Happy Father’s Day

No matter how old I grow, I will always be your little girl.♥

My love and tribute to you dear dad on Father’s Day.


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image courtesy : pinterest.com

A – You are truly an  Awe inspiring personality

B – Brilliant like the dazzling sun – a perfect simile to describe your intellect

C –  Ever Caring  nature

D – Always Diplomatic in your approach

E – An Erudite person

FFavourite of all

G– You  Guide us like a beacon of light

H– What a  Handsome man you are !

I – An  Ingenious and master story teller, weaving magic with your tales

J –  Judicious in your spending

K– A very knowledgeable man

L – A Loving dad, you’ve always been  to your children

M–  Absolute Methodical planner

NNumero uno…….the one and only !!

O – You are so popular for your exemplary Oratory skills

P – A true Pal to us

Q – When in a contemplative mood you go into your “Quiet” shell

R – A man with a  Religious temperament

SSalute you, a true officer of the Indian Air Force

TTalented or multi talented?? Will pick the latter !

U Upright in your principles

V – A Voracious reader- you just love your books!

W – A Writer par excellence – you conduct a perfect symphony of thoughts and words

X –  You have an XL magnanimous heart

Y –  Youngsters look up to you for advice

Z – You are a Zealously protective Dad !


24 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day”

  1. Only you can do it. Only you can be so innovative, and inspiring.
    Thank you for the wonderful array of choice complements to send anyone on an ego trip …..yes….. for having such a talented daughter.
    Thanks again.Radhi. You made my day.
    P.S. By the way, compared to the adequacy,of English alphabets, Sanskrit has fifty of them.:),


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