Daily Prompt: Tempted

Ic: http://www.motivatingdaily.com

via Daily Prompt: Tempted

Tanka Poetry

When the road is tough,

the terrain too uncertain,

you meet a dead end,

don’t be tempted to quit, for

success may just be next door!

Tanka is a poetry form which originated in Japan more than 13 centuries ago. In its purest form, tanka poems are most commonly written as expressions of love, self-reflection, and gratitude. It contains five lines and 31 syllables in the form of 5-7-5-7-7.

43 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Tempted”

  1. If we go down the memory lane, almost all of us, sometime or other in our lives has had the experience reflected in the poem.

    To comment on the poem it is “SIMPLY FANTASTIC”.

    Liked by 1 person

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