Alphabet O – One

A to Z Challenge


**Theme : Kaleidoscope of thoughts**


One, a number by itself so lonely with no one for company. But being alone doesn’t alter it’s towering personality. In spite of being all by itself always, it’s ability and power to inspire and transform is simply admirable.

One breath begins life

one ray of light brings in sunshine

one look can melt your heart

one hug can make your day

one flower starts a garden

one step begins a march

one run can win a match

one handshake can foster friendship

one smile wipes out the gloom

one star guides the lost soul

one vote can tilt the balance

one touch says it all

one thought can trigger can idea

one leader can lead the nation

one laugh becomes contagious


one life can make a difference!

That’s the power of “ONE”. Never underestimate how you can make a difference to someone’s life!!

63 thoughts on “Alphabet O – One”

  1. Great post. I had a science teacher who to say that one was indeed powerful. It only took one of millions to create life. A little icky at the time, but so very true

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  2. That’s the power of “ONE”. So powerful and so many things this One can do single handedly. Beautiful and awesome words of Truth, Radhika. One stands for Unity and One stands for Him who is the only One and we are all in that Oneness.

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