Live your dreams!


When the road ahead is not easy,

and challenges keep you busy,


Days spent in fear,

Nights hiding the tears,


When the shadows of failure creep,

In a chasm you are so deep,


Blurred is the vision

That needs rectification,


Fear not O Mind!

To yourself be kind.


Breathe, relax and smile,

You’ve got to travel miles.


Inhale a whiff of positive sunshine,

Exhale the negative thoughts,

Infuse a generous dose of energy,

Percolate your mind with vigour


Push yourself to realise your dreams.


Don’t be surprised if

Life is beautiful once again!

Live your dreams and be happy!

86 thoughts on “Live your dreams!”

  1. Very inspiring poem, thank you!
    I just wrote about my feelings on why I am not starting today with what I really love to do and what is preventing me from it. I would love if it helped someone ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful, Radhika. So much positivity in those beautiful words. In the school that I studied, we were made to do this exercise every morning. To breathe in positivity (goodness as we called it) and to breathe out all that is negative. We did every single morning not getting the significance. But it is now, in adulthood that these little lessons comes back to me and give that helpful hand when I need it.
    Your words took me back in time to those mornings, Radhika. Thank you 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, Radhika. These seemed very silly and trivial then, a time away from our regular play time but it is now that we understand it’s significant. I speak about it to my son, but not sure how much of it he really understands😌

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  3. Beautiful composition Radhika, it had me in goosebumps! Truer words have not been told, it’s hard to go the whole way but we need to keep pushing ourselves. Positivity doesn’t come easy to me, it takes me a while. But yes, the results of positive thoughts is nothing short of magical.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks a ton Divya for your positive feedback. Absolutely agree with you. Positive thoughts, people, action all have a magical influence on our lives. It’s been my constant endeavor to embrace positivity, but I too fail at times! Essence is never give up!

      Liked by 2 people

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