Photography – Connect!

Lock down has forced people to think of different ways to keep themselves creatively occupied. Be it reading, writing, cooking, a hobby, giving their home a makeover, are all on their ” to do lists” right now. Connecting back seems to be the underlying commonality between the various interests that people are pursuing. Basically they are returning to the roots, connecting better with nature, enjoying the sounds of chirps and chimes, (thanks to the absence of  the loud honks), indulging in some soul therapy, rekindling long forgotten memories and bonding with family.

Hope we continue this connect, post this testing time for us.


Dutch goes the photo prompt : Connect

55 thoughts on “Photography – Connect!”

      1. I agree! Things are uncertain but we’re all in this together and one day things will definitely get better. Until then, we got to hold on.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. That is an interesting melange of photographs, R, and refreshing positivity in your words. I have actually lost my connectivity with my roots – mother nature – due to the lockdown; there still is a lot which can be done – though secondary to me – but have no option!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. True. The various reports of animals and birds being seen in places unseen since long bring a smile to the heart.

        And yes, I stand in the window (in an awkward angle to catch a glimpse of trees in the society garden) everyday, seeking our Mother’s kind touch!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Everyone has been given the gift of time to reset and renew themselves. I hope people are learning to slow things down and focus on the good, wonderful and amazing things they have in their lives and let go of the things that were keeping them from enjoying the simple in every day!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. very true;indeed lockdown has made most of us channel our energy into becoming creative and actually discover our own selves more. so yah, wishing you all a very pleasant stay!


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