“Trained” to be on the run…

Before the pandemic struck us, a typical scene from any city around the globe was very similar. At the end of a long day at work, a swarm of people would rush to the stations, their heads down, glued to their mobiles.  Oblivious of their surroundings or fellow passengers, most of them would be immersed in work or on a call. Sapped of energy, they would chug along to reach home, every day, defining life, in its mundanity.

The pandemic brought the life’s train to a grinding halt. The sudden impact left man totally lost, throwing him completely off track. The lock down has to a great extent, initiated a change to his perspective on life and its meaning. All this time he was chasing a mirage, mistaking success for happiness, in the bargain turning a blind eye to those little things, that added value to life.

Today, man has slowed down the pace at which he is traversing on this journey of life. He has realised if his life’s train derails and its journey comes to an abrupt end, before reaching its last station, his pursuit for hollow victories may after all be in vain.

Life is a sojourn between birth and death. One should enjoy the beauty of the changing landscape, being present each moment, for each stop brings with it an experience, before its time for us to alight at the final destination.

Sadje’s WDYS #63

68 thoughts on ““Trained” to be on the run…”

  1. Beautifully expressed dear Radhika, thank you for sharing your thoughts. When I look at this image, immediately the word ” Connecting” comes to my mind, it’s something among many other things we have learned from the consequences of Covid and hopefully the people will continue on that path.

    ” The light at the tunnel has always been there, it’s just that we need to recognize it”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beautifully said Cornelia, specially the quote.
      ” Connecting” with our families and our inner self…has definitely happened during the lock down.
      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this. Much appreciate it 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree with you ma’am. You beautifully expressed your thoughts here. Such a delightful read with excellent message.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR, MA’AM. I’m so happy that I found you and your blog. Your posts inspire me so much and everytime I read them I’ll leave the blog taking some input. Thanks for inspiring and keep inspiring, ma’am.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your analogy with the train of life is thought provoking Radhika., So true! And the point about not being overwhelmed by hollow victories and instead savoring the journey and the varied landscape we pass through – classy comparison and very philosophical! I highly enjoyed reading this.

    I for one, love long distance train journeys inspite of the inconveniences associated, and fight with others for right to the window seat 🙂 and thought how much fun a journey at these times would be, with less crowd maybe… Maybe not too… In India if there is a train there would be crowds, irrespective of the season and the pandemic 🙂


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