
person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook

Words assume the color of the writer’s ink

as it paints a palette of thoughts

drawing an imagery of multitude emotions.

Words wrap the feelings in a beauteous allure

as they bewitch the mind’s eye

with an altruistic charisma of sensory delight.

Razor sharp words, their caustic mien penetrates deep

shattering the heart into a million shards

burying them beneath a traumatic debris.

With a bold mood into a night of passion

words indulge in a flirtatious tease, raising the tempo

igniting in a tempestuous affair with the reader.

Words pen a riveting edge of the seat thriller

sweat beads trickling down the brow

as eerie tentacles of fear grip the mind.

 Cleansing of sorts, with their sublime temperament

 words lead us on a path of enlightenment

with a perfect prescription of spiritual nirvana.

Words carve intricate curves of lyrical poetry

bring alive the ancient history

script a magnum opus, satiating the literary souls.

Their most powerful facet comes to fore

when they are an impetus to stimulate.

The insipid letters of the alphabet join hands

to inspire an entire nation to rise up for a cause.

81 thoughts on “Wordplay!”

  1. Your Razor sharp words, their caustic mien penetrates deep

    shattering the heart into a million shards

    burying them beneath a traumatic debris
    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Words are literally such divine expressions, your talent with words is exquisite always and this poem is so deeply beautiful as if taking a stroll through all the streets that words create, taking in the unique characteristics of each.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I am afraid of words little bit. Whenever i talk to my friends or explaining about something my words to get clarity they’ll understand My words as in a place of misunderstanding side. They are reacting for my words and vocals but not in my sense.

    Liked by 1 person

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