Graceful Acceptance!

Image credit; Photomix company @ Pixabay

Now, at the fag end of life,

home alone, in an empty nest,

I wrestle with my waning memory, fogged under

receding hairline and furrowed brow.

Misplacing things, is a daily affair,

forgetfulness, my constant companion.

Simple tasks seem daunting,

what I did in a jiffy, now takes ages.

Today, the mirror reflects my withered shell,

but beneath it, I am still a beautiful soul.

As I glance back at the rear view mirror of life,

I have realized that, it is futile confronting the loss of youth.

In graceful acceptance of old age, with all its quirkiness,

lies the key to happiness!

Sadje’s WDYS #108

68 thoughts on “Graceful Acceptance!”

    1. One day, God willing we all will reach that age, and it is so important for us to remember to accept all the idiosyncrasies that come along, with grace. Fighting it is futile.
      Thank you so much for taking time out and sharing your thoughts 🙏

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  1. I’ll be 60 next year, yet my mind is still back in my 20s. Sadly, the body can’t seem to keep up. It is an adjustment and acceptance difficult. But it is inevitable, so I guess I will eventually get there. Maybe when I’m so old, I’ll be too tired to complain? Good write, Radhika!

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    1. I know Susi, aging is a process where the body speaks a different language, quite challenging to comprehend. But the fact that your mind is in your 20s, shows that you are very young at heart. So acceptance and moving on will be a graceful transition. ❤️
      Thanks a lot Susi. Have a lovely weekend!

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