The Heartbeat!

Image credit; Pixabay ( free images)

Away from the realms of the mundane

I tread beyond the path untraveled

to be surprised by magnificence extraordinaire.

Kaleidoscopic splendor greets my weary eyes

clouds weave a lyrical tapestry around serrated peaks

the winds sing ballads through the willows.

Amidst the tranquil canvas of serenity

sitting in silent reflective solitude,

I hear, the heartbeat of mother earth!

Sadje’s WDYS prompt #109

63 thoughts on “The Heartbeat!”

  1. This is beautifully written, Radhika, it carries a song-like quality, as Sadje says. I especially enjoyed these phrases: ‘clouds weave a lyrical tapestry around serrated peaks / the winds sing ballads…’

    Liked by 2 people

  2. oh this is so beautiful indulge in! Only when we are willing to venture away from the mundane, we find magic unfolding, and I loved how you made us arrive at the earth’s heartbeat. I am in awe of what beautiful word choice you weave in to poetry.

    Liked by 2 people

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