Let’s walk together…

Image credit; Andrea Piacquad @ Pexels

With love as the locus of our relationship, let’s walk the talk, bridging the generation gap between us

converging on our divergent ideologies and identities, discarding the judgemental lens,

creating endearing stories of wizened wrinkles and vivacious spontaneity.

Let’s celebrate our differences, without any pretense, cementing it with a bond of acceptance,

sharing our joys, secrets, tears, resilience, translating moments to memories and lacing them with a twine of unconditional support for each other,

‘coz when the generations walk together hand in hand, the world radiates an ebullient spirit of harmony.

Sadje’s WDYS #141

58 thoughts on “Let’s walk together…”

  1. Wow! This one’s so much needed.

    I wish more people would think and be like this.
    The last line is ♥️

    Just love this lilting piece, now all you need is a music composer and a singer to croon to this.😃😃

    Have a blessed week dear Radhika.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Always a pleasure, dear💓.
        How are you doing???
        Yeah, I’ve busy for 2 months now. Thank you for asking🙏❤😀.
        I’m sorting things at my end. I’ll definitely be back here, already missing my wp family. Thank you again. 🤗🤗

        Liked by 1 person

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