A Milestone!


Thoughts dress by my reflective moods

I paint the words with my emotional palette

a long journey, scripted through a variegated literary landscape

inspired by your writings enroute,

I celebrate a milestone of 1000 posts today.

WordPress congratulated me on my 1000th post today. Thank you, my WordPress family, for being with me and encouraging my work. Truly grateful for each of your likes and comments. Of late, I am guilty of not reading your posts regularly. I have joined work and keeps me busy. But I’ll definitely try to drop by whenever time permits. Thanks once again for being with me.

Happy Navratri to all my Indian friends!

65 thoughts on “A Milestone!”

  1. Congratulations Radhika and well deserved! I know well the feeling of being so busy and trying to keep up. It’s a lot. Happy Navratri to you as well. I’m not Indian but I had to educate my Indian friends here because I embrace all of you my Indian blogging family!💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Narayan. It took me 6 years to reach here. On and off was not very regular, due to various commitments. Thanks to fellow bloggers like you who made this journey memorable with your feedback and support 🙏


      1. A thosand Blogs!

        Next achiving other landmarks may not be difficult.

        Look at a child: taking the first few steps only it will find difficulty; subsequent steps are child’s play.

        Really a funtastic fea(s)t. The subjects covered are also many. From Nature to features, bees to birds to butturflies, oh! ever so lovely Keep it up.


        Liked by 1 person

  2. The picture of the woman writing is poignant. Could be interpreted as pages of potential creativity, or an internal emptiness that is echoed on the pages and canvases.

    Congrats on the milestone!

    Liked by 1 person

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