Alphabet C – Crosswords

A to Z Challenge


Day #04    ** Theme – Kaleidoscope of thoughts **



An affair to cherish ❤ !

The first ever crossword was printed in the “The New York” newspaper on 21 Dec 1913 and was called word cross.

Now practically every other newspaper and online site publishes their own cross word. Some follow a theme and they have different levels of difficulty. Some are quick and easy while others cryptic and hard to crack!

I first fell in love with the cross word during my college days. I had to travel long hours by train, to and fro to my college. I would pick up an afternoon daily which was my constant companion for the next three years. A true partner it kept me engrossed every day without fail during my hour long ride. One day, after reading a fair bit of newspaper, my eyes fell on the crossword puzzle. Why not I try my hand at it, thought I. So began my long affair with the puzzle. It was definitely not love at first sight. In the initial days it was a lacklustre affair. I couldn’t make much breakthrough. But my sustained perseverance and intelligence, melted its strong demeanour. I learnt the nuances of cracking it and soon it was a torrid affair, I couldn’t do without a daily meeting with it!

I have cherished memories of the beautiful affair that unfortunately had to end after college, as time did not permit me to continue it. But I do visit it often during my free time and even today it does not disappoint me 😉

57 thoughts on “Alphabet C – Crosswords”

  1. Once I discovered the crossword puzzle I set aside word searches. The crossword made me feel Jeopard smart: the word search only Wheel of Fortune smart

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah! A fellow crossword lover! I enjoy them as well. Not so much the traditional versions but some of the modern takes on them are quite addictive. Like yourself I have little time nowadays but I do find a crossword book usually sneaks it’s way into flights with me 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hahaha so cute post Radhika and I too so agree with what you have written. Crossword puzzles were my companion even after college and whenever I had time from family and office. We would be so engrossed i would even ask my aunt and friends if I was stuck. Great post remembered my days too.

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  4. I used to get stuck up and would ask my friends and even teachers and get it done …I could never do it myself …however I found sudoku interesting. ..whenever I find one and I have plenty time I always go for it

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My dad loves crossword. Even today I find him sitting with my mom and solving crosswords. I, however, like sudoku more. Haven’t got to that easy and constant relationship with crosswords yet!



  6. Crosswords… Akin to crossing swords with words….till alphabets adorn all the spaces in perfect harmony…brings back old memories… great going…
    Wishing you all the very best from E-Z


  7. My son calls it ‘a daily workout for the brain’. Crosswords have a very strange way of keeping us addicted to it and thirsting for more. On that note, to keep your brain active please visit your first love often enough!

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