Photography – What a treat!

Lens Artist photo challenge #120, hosted by Tina : What is a treat for you.

Life is such a roller coaster ride. The ups and downs give us highs and pull us down at times. In between there are plenty of tiny moments or treats that delight us. A series of such memorable moments make life beautiful 🙂

The morning sky bursts into a countless clouds smiling down at you 🙂
And a bunch of beautiful white roses join in…..Isn’t that a perfect start to a great day?
A lazy morning under the canopy of green. Tea, book and nature’s sounds for company. What a relaxing treat that was!!
The eyes bedazzled by the glitter of lights from atop the Burj Khalifa, Dubai. It was truly a magnificent sight to behold!

A long drive just after the lock down, empty roads, nature cleansed of all its pollutants, was an absolute pleasure. Soaking in the fresh fragrance of nature delighted the senses.
Home made chocolates for some sinful indulgence can never go wrong 😉
Holidays with family is always loaded with fun. This picture was clicked from a cable car.

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