Happy Diwali!

pc : aditi

This Diwali,


the swaying lanterns blow away the gloomy clouds of despair

the colors of the rangoli welcome happiness to every doorstep

we cleanse our hearts from malice against each other

we declutter our minds from negative emotions

the relish of the sweets infuse sweetness in our speech

we stay away from crackers to respect the health of mother earth

the chants of the hymns resonate peace and well being across the globe

the essence of good over evil kill the strains of the pandemic

the dazzle of the diyas illuminate the world with hope of a healing tomorrow.

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali

*rangoli – Traditional Indian decoration and patterns made outside the door with ground rice specially during festivals.

*diya- a cup shaped oil lamp made of baked clay

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