Reflections 2020!

mixed paint on palette with candle
David Clode

This began like any other year. People ushered in 2020 with gusto. Traveling, partying, New Year resolutions, setting targets for the year and so on. Things were moving along until the pandemic hit us like bolt of lightning. The world came to a grinding halt.

A list of new vocabulary became the language of everyday. Corona, lockdown, isolation, positive, virus, pandemic, quarantine, spike, vaccine and so on. Life has never been the same since.

The anger, frustration and helplessness of people spiked along with the cases worldwide.  It brought out emotions in mixed bag. Some counted on blessings and bonding while for others it was separation and desperation. Along with physical setback, emotional well being took a toll on people. With work from home and virtual classrooms, meet and greet, celebrations, everything was in an online avatar. Unlock brought in a breather for the economy. People are getting back to work, but fear still looms large. The vaccine coming out brings in a gentle ray of hope.

As we enter the last couple of days of 2020, what are some of the thoughts and prayers that you want to fill in 2021 with? I would like to paint the coming year with vibrant hues of positive vibes, eclipsing the melancholic monochrome of this year.

Lets start afresh wiping the blemished yesterday,

 filling the clean white slate with tomorrow’s hope.

Praying for the grey clouds of the pandemic to pass over

banishing the black monstrous villain into exile.

Let’s usher in the mellow warmth of a new crimson dawn

as the rays of bright yellow blow a kiss of happiness.

Listening to nature, croon the lyrics of vibrant green,

as the tranquil blue waters, serenade our stressed out mind.

May the year motivate people to get into the pink of health

as embers of the brown hearths keep hunger at bay

 Hope a purple cloak of spirituality and growth embraces mankind

to paint the future with a kaleidoscope of colors .

Prayers to all the departed souls who fought bravely against the virus. Heartfelt gratitude to all the Health care workers, Sanitation workers and the innumerable kind souls who lent a helping hand by contributing in their own way, in this fight against corona.

Wishing all my WP family a very Happy 2021 ❤ ! May the world see better days ahead!

80 thoughts on “Reflections 2020!”

  1. What a relatable and well- written post.
    I would pray for a healing hand on all of those who did lose someone to the virus who should otherwise still be here.
    And I personally hope that people can take away from this experience a new appreciation for life, and for the little things, and to not be so wasteful.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words my friend. Yes, the pandemic has taught us profound lessons in minimalistic approach to life and gratefulness along with many others. Hope we use these learnings. May the year bring in normalcy world over. ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

  2. That’s what we need right now to begin the new year with less fear and a stronger hope. We are leaving behing too many souls, but also dreams, days, bad moments, and It’s time to try to move on without forgetting anything. Thank you ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a serene and devoted ode to the year 2020…that springs from the heart.
    We are with you in your prayers for the departed, and gratitude to the thousands of health workers who toiled night and day.
    Wishing you and all your family, friends and bloggers a happy new year.

    Stay blessed.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Beautiful poem Radhika, and most importantly great positive vibes. We pulled through the year, but that’s only one milestone crossed. A major battle lies ahead, to rebuild what we lost. And to sustain the humanity whose glimpses were the silver lining to the dark days. But hopefully together humanity will pull through.
    A very happy new year to you and yours Radhika 🥳🙂

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