Fettered Memories!

Gary Meulemans@unsplash.com

Somewhere in the deep crevices of my heart

percolating through the filters of thoughts, are scars hiding.

Though inconspicuous, they linger on, haunting me.

At the slightest trigger,  they elicit painful ripples,

mutating into a tempestuous ordeal.

I know not, how to release the hurt,

which seems to have imprisoned itself within me.

I wish the rains would wash them clean

or they would flow away in a burst of lachrymose deluge.

Perhaps the intense heat of the sun would burn them down

or I could just delete them with the press of a button.

Alas, the venomous fangs of toxic memories concocts its poison,

as a sinister vortex of diabolic emotion sucks me into it,

entrapping my mind, in a self-created web of despondency,


Reena’s Xploration Challenge # 204 : Filter


Eugenia’s weekly prompt : Haunting

65 thoughts on “Fettered Memories!”

  1. The imagery is so vivid. I wish there was a delete button. It would help so many.
    I see active Delete buttons in narcissist personalities. They delete everything that does not have them in the mainframe 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very profound, Mam. The imagery was so much alive and on the run. This actually reminds me of one of your older poems. Divine catharsis? Can’t recall which poem exactly and the right words of the title, but it was about unhealed wounds. Could relate strongly to both that poem and this. You speak the language of the soul through your poetry, Mam. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Sahana for your kindness. 🤗 Somewhere back in time, I have walked that path, so I guess it reflects in my words.
      Divine catharsis is the collab I did, with Amber which was woven around the enlightenment of the soul.
      I have written quite a few poems on the indelible scars people carry. So it could be one of them that you recall. Btw, you’ve got an amazing memory dear ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Somewhere in the deep crevices of my heart

    percolating through the filters of thoughts, are scars hiding.

    Though inconspicuous, they linger on, haunting me.

    At the slightest trigger, they elicit painful ripples,

    I love love love these lines and the entire poem – this is very close to my heart, an inescapable human journey, especially for those who don’t harden their hearts, actually show up bare and true in life. You have such amazing vocabulary and I really admire your use of words that brings out the tender feelings with such elegance.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pragalbha, I am so touched reading your feedback. I am sure many of us have walked the path carrying those painful memories buried deep within. With awareness, comes the time to release them. Well, those scars are now waiting to be redeemed and hopefully the self comes out of that despondency, to experience the liberation.
      Truly appreciate your generous support. Thanks a lot my friend 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Perfectly relatable as thought you peeped into my mind and painted the canvas… It’s been more than two years and I still do not have an answer.. I actually wrote a short post as my hopeful answer, my first post here .. I hope that we all find the elusive answer soon…

    Liked by 1 person

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