The Unseen Angel!

Image credit; Kellepics @ Pixabay

The city reverberates a clamor

of chaos, despair and deceit.

It reeks with sins of ungrateful beings,

whose inexorable ways, rives through the heart.

My forlorn soul looks heavenward,

as it lulls itself to a teary slumber.

The chirrups of the birds, usher in dawn.

Radiant, yet tender rays brighten the eastern horizon

awakening the city from the coverlet of grey.

The faraway belfry, chimes across the firmament

unraveling the felicity, a new day brings.

I send out a prayer of gratitude, to the guardian angel,

unseen, yet whose wings of protective love, I feel

embracing my home, city and the world

from the diabolic fetters.

 I tether on to that faith, to help me

maneuver my way through the labyrinth,

to overcome each obstacle of life,

armored with his benevolent grace.

Sadje’s WDYS #112

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