The Fake Life!

Face, Empty, Woman, Wait, Waiting Time, To Sit, Wall

She was a glamourous young actress at the peak of her career. She had name, fame and money.

Her plastic smile, her chiseled body, her empty followers on social media, the many trophies standing in her living room, all seemed so hollow to her.

Looking at herself in the mirror, a repulsive feeling engulfed her. There was nothing about her that was genuine. Her life was fabricated to project a picture of perfection.

She felt everything about her was a lie.

Disgusted with the fakeness of her persona, in the dark of the night, she disappeared without a word to anyone, in search of her true identity!

Reena’s Xploration Challenge: #217 :

Everything about her was a lie….”

You are free to incorporate the line in your piece, or just use it as a theme.