Reader’s Choice Awards : Nominations 

Glad to be nominated in the category of ” Best Hindi Poet”. Feel privileged and honoured. May the most deserving person win. Hearty congratulations to all the nominees and good luck!

The Bloggers United

​Hello Everyone !

Wait is over ..

I’m not going to waste time writing introductory part coz I thing everyone is gonna scroll down to take a look at nominations.

So here we go,

Nominations -
*BloggerOfTheYear* -
Aanchal –

Fairy –

Mahesh –

Shreya –

Sumit –

Sweta –


Arti – Poembyarti.wordpress. com

Rekha –

Radhika –

Mahima – Mahimasingh97.wordpress. com

Sakshi –


Anagha –

Antara –

Mahesh –

Pratishtha –

Shreya –

*SleepingGiants*( awesomebutinactiveblog )

Antra –

Nisha –

Pratishtha –

Pratyusha –

Tanya –








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The 2016 Blogger Award

I am truly honoured to be nominated by Meenakshi of wingsofpoetry for this award.

Thank you so much for your beautiful words Meenakshi.  🙂 ❤

Blogger of the year-


She has as beautiful blog as she herself is as a person! One can enjoy and feel lost while reading her posts! She truly deserves this award! 

Check the rules of the award hosted by Elm here.

My nominations are:

Blogger of the year

My digital diary

It’s always a pleasure to read her posts. Her choice of topics and the write up complement each other so perfectly. A perfect choice for the award!

Blog of the year

Scattered thoughts

She has a way with words. Her articles, poems and write ups are well thought out and presented. Consistently coming up with such original ones is an achievement in itself!

Best new blogger

Idle muser

A new entrant to the blogging world, she has carved a niche through her posts on a varied and socially relevant topics. Has built up a fairly good following in a short span of time!

Kindest blogger


She is the gentlest and the kindest little friend I have in the virtual world. Her blogs are inspirational, positive and full of love.

Most positive blog


Her poems are a class apart. Life with positive energy and radiance flow out of her poems.

Most approachable blog


Her blog is a reflection of her personality. An amazing blogger,she is the very approachable, always gives her feedback and encourages fellow bloggers.

Most helpful blogger

Incredible Pie

Very mature blogger for his age. He has been  extremely helpful in promoting the blogs of fellow bloggers.

Funniest blog

Pins and ashes

She has got a mind of her own. Her posts always bring a smile to your face. A combination of thought provoking posts  with a dose of humour too!

Best Looking blog


A well laid out blog, aesthetically presented. It’s a pleasure  to navigate around her blog 🙂

Most relateable blog

A vibrant Palette

We are like virtual sisters. Often I have found her posts to mirror my thoughts. Always enjoy reading her posts.

Most creative blog


A huge fan of this master chef’s presentation skills. His creative artistry takes food        presentation to an all new level! Perfectly worthy of this award!



A blogger who does hesitate to pen down his thoughts, unedited. His posts have a unique and unusual flavour, which many may not relate to but  his posts always manage to turn on your thinking caps!




Sunshine Blogger Award


“The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who  inspire and bring sunshine into the lives of their readers and fellow bloggers.”

A big thank you to Elaine  for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Elated that she considers my blog worthy of bringing sunshine to the readers 🙂 Do visit her blog for a for a wide array of reads  ranging from stories, paintings and some amazing write ups!!


Here are her questions:

Introduce yourself , in spite of blogging who are you by your profession.

A down to earth person, simplicity defines me. My mind is a gypsy vagabond which loves to travel and reflect on many things. I pen down thoughts close to my heart. That justifies the birth of the blogger in me.

A mother to two lovely kids, I keep myself creatively employed. I volunteer at a couple of NGOs.

I call myself BBC- Blogger, baker and chocolatier

If you weren’t in your current profession or if you could change your profession, which one would you like to opt?

I am currently happy with whatever I am doing. Designing, pursing creative artistry is something that I have a flair for. Any alternate profession for me, would be that of an Interior designer.

Where would dream to visit/ destination/country, or where would love to live?

Our world is has some of the most amazingly beautiful places. I have many places in India and abroad on my bucket list. Let’ see how many I can tick out of that.

If you have been told that its your last day on earth, what and how would you like to spend your day? What would you do?

“Live everyday as if it was your last day on earth.” If we followed this maxim, I guess the actual last day on earth would be great, without any anxiety.

If you get a chance to talk/see a person who is no longer in this world, whom would you like to meet?

Without doubt that person would be Mother Theresa. I would like to understand from her the source of her never ending fountain of love and compassion. Just yesterday I read an article about her, where the writer stated that a mere touch from her transferred so much of positive energy. Respect and regards all the way for the noble saint.

What are you most afraid of?  Or any nightmare which you feel could be real in your life?

Creepies n crawlies and claustrophobic places make me paranoid.

What motivates you to write each blog post?

Everyday things that I observe, an article that I read about, a picture that leaves an impression, challenges rolled out by the blogging community, the awards I am nominated for and the feedback of all my lovely fellow bloggers are some of the things that motivate and inspire me to write a post.

Do you support capital punishment?

I am against capital punishment.

Before you death, what will you be doing as your duty/step to save the earth?

I think doing something for mother earth should be a continuous effort. Planting saplings, saving its precious natural resources, keeping the environment around us clean are some of the things I do regularly.

Whom do you like the most in this world and whom you like the least?

My family means the world to me!

How you arrived to your blog name?

Like I said earlier, my blogs are a reflection of my thoughts n ideas. Hence the name seemed very apt for it.

My questions are:

  1. Tell me 3 things you remember about your kindergarten.
  2. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
  3. Which according to you is the best post you have written so far. Attach a link to it.
  4. Have you actually kept up a new year resolution? If yes, what and for how long?
  5. If social media did not exist, how would your life be different?
  6. What cheers you up?
  7. What is the one thing that you did out of your comfort zone that you are really proud of?
  8. Which celebrity do you admire the most and why?
  9. What according to you is the most beautiful word in the world?
  10. What is your idea of heaven?
  11. Share 3 lessons, life has taught you.

And I nominate the following bloggers for the award

  1. Singdha
  2. Karthik
  3. Aditi
  4. Prashant
  5. Varsha
  6. Kiran
  7. Rekha
  8. Shefali

Happy Blogging  🙂



Versatile Blogger Award

Season of awards seems to have made a comeback. Have been nominated for the award by Prashant. Do check out his blogs for some amazing travel posts and poems.Thanks Prashant for the nomination.

Being a versatile blogger is always what I have aspired to be. I like to experiment with different styles of writing. I love taking up challenges, trying to be creative within the defined parameters.


The Rules

  1. Show the award on your blog
  2. Thank the person/people who nominated you
  3. Share 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 10 blogs

7 Random facts about myself :

  1. I find listening to music therapeutic.
  2. An appointment with the dentists drills dread into me!
  3. Milk and me are polar opposites! Forget about a glassful, I can’t even drink a spoonful.:-(
  4. I am always on time, every time!
  5. Books have always been my best friends. Would  sit up all night with them during college days.
  6. Creepy crawlies push me into panic zone!
  7. Surprise gifts, holidays and visits always bring a smile on my face 🙂 ❤

My nominations are:

  1. SumitOfficial
  2. Varsh
  3. extinct0703
  4. parijat shukla
  5. mahesh malli
  6. Alka
  7. upliftingdaze
  8. masoom jethwa
  9. Breath Math
  10. Vinitha

Happy blogging!!