

You let go the trigger of your words,

hitting bulls eye, it shredded my soul.

battered and betrayed

the hurt , buried deep in my heart.

for long, it lay captive in the confines

waging a lonely battle with raging emotions and angst.

rising  from the depths of anguish

it, finally  found  freedom!

44 thoughts on “Tear”

  1. Yes and when it did, I wiped it with my own hands, only to learn that self love and respect weigh heavier than your lonely words of harshness and betrayal. 🙂
    Beautifully expressed Radhika! ^_^


  2. A beautiful poem, the art by Aditi, accentuating the depth of the poem….
    However…behold…let the tears roll… for its a cleansing of the soul….
    let joy rock and the tears roll… and fill up the life’s scroll…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful teamwork of the mother-daughter If the tear comes out from the right eye first it is the tear of happiness & joy.But when it rolls from the left it is tear of pain and sorrow.Trauma is sad.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi. Beautiful post . Quite Heartfelt . For me.. ‘ Feelings are like waves . U cannot stop them from coming but you can decide which ones to surf .. Nice article . Thanks for sharing it!

    Liked by 2 people

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