

Come July/August, most women regale in the saga of shopping!! It is a bonanza for shoppers, as it heralds the season of sale across all brands and stores in India.

Shoppers flock to the shops to get good bargains on stuff ranging from apparels, accessories, furnishings, home decor items and the like. On a weekend during this time, any mall you step into is teeming with shoppers.

Last weekend I too happened to be one among the throng of shoppers. I had to buy a dress for my daughter whose birthday is fast approaching. An unhurried shopper, she has a mind of her own and is a picky chooser trying out many dresses before giving the final nod of approval.

While my little girl was trying  various outfits, I had an interesting time observing the sea of shoppers at the store. The shoppers were predominantly women across all age groups…..

Most had come along with friends, some had descended with family……. perhaps a day of outing with lunch and movie to complete the “family’s day out”! Some lone shoppers who enjoyed their own company, many with husbands/boyfriends, some moms with little kids in tow. It was interesting to watch them…..the ladies thrilled with their picks, admiring themselves in the mirror, the bored and patient husbands putting up a valiant smile and nodding every time she tried a new dress, giving her a thumbs up that she looked stunning! 😉 Some engrossed in a heated debate about the final choice to be made from their assorted stockpile, young girls taking selfies to update their shopping status, a tiny tot throwing a tantrum and mama dear pleading him for just 5 more minutes and bribing him with his favourite ice cream!!

I was shaken out of my observational trance, when my daughter said she had finally found a dress to her liking. Well, I had an amusing time watching my fellow shoppers.

Folks, would love to hear any interesting anecdotes or tidbits from your shopping sojourns !!


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28 thoughts on “Shop’O’mania”

  1. Ashada sale. 😀 they put out posters like this “SALE, then in small letters ‘upto ‘, again in huge fonts “50%”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Very true.. And it is definitely not 50% off, they increase the original price by 50%, then say 50% discount, that too on selected merchandise only. And they call it sale. 😛

        Liked by 2 people

  2. I had a very nice time while reading your post. Sale.. its thing that attracts women and girls like honey bees on flowers full of nectar.

    Nowadays i go with my friends for shopping except shopping for festive occasions i am with my family.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It was fun reading about your observations,in the mall with a “tongue in the cheek.”

    Well, i must confess i have been to a mall or two in my life span of how many years …….? My wife has better memory.

    I enjoyed being kitted and booted at the famous “Phelps and co” in my first week in at N.D.A. Kharakvasala way back in 1950s. Later after commissioning it was our camp tailors privilege to stitch our uniforms. He used to come home and take my measurements yearly, with a frown, when measuring my middle.

    After retirement, my wife and two lovely daughters looked after my “civilian” outfits which meet most of my wardrobe requirements from the mall (?.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mushrooming of the malls and shopping there is a recent phenomenon. Till about a decade back it was the good old tailors or a few talented moms who would put the humble cloth to life using their creative skills. The mall culture has gradually resulted in a slow death of such talent.
      It was a pleasure reading your shopping sojourn over the years 😊


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