IBMC #8 – The Nursery Rhyme Challenge

Today’s task for the challenge is:

You are going to enjoy this. You will pick a nursery rhyme and make a new interpretation of it. You are free to make edits to that rhyme and then give an interpretation. The only ultimate restriction is that there has to be rhyme and a new context to it. Let your imaginations flow.

For more details on the challenge click here.


The original rhyme I chose:

Chubby cheeks, dimple chin

Rosy lips, teeth within

Curly hair, very fair

Eyes so blue, lovely too

Teacher’s pet, is that you?


My version:

Facebook posts, Whats app messages,

Selfie pouts, tweet within,

Instagram pictures, you-tube videos

Eyes so glued, hands too,

People’s pet, is that you?



32 thoughts on “IBMC #8 – The Nursery Rhyme Challenge”

  1. People’s pet, shoulders bent
    spondylitis, is that you?
    Yes, yes, yes 😀
    Loved the part where you say tweet within 😀😀

    Liked by 3 people

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