Alphabet B – Busy!

A to Z Challenge

Day #03    ** Theme – Kaleidoscope of thoughts **



Let’s rewind life to about half a century back in time. Technology was still in its nascent stage. We had to do many chores manually. Life was simple and people were happy in spite the various hardships they faced. They had time for each other, there flowed a warmth in their conversations, festivals were celebrated in its true spirit, and the neighbours, friends and relatives all partook in the wedding planning and preparation. Joint families ensured a constant support system in place. Words like busy, stress, tension, burn out, anxiety, depression  had not made its inroads into people’s vocabulary.


Pause at today. Technology has ensured that we have the best of comforts and conveniences. A press of the button is all it takes to get work done. Travel is faster, machines help us with our daily chores, and everything is delivered at our doorstep. We are surrounded by gadgets that do everything for us. So when everything is automatically done for us, why are we still so busy with no time to spare? We are always on the run. No time for family and friends, children do not have the time to play. Gadgets have eroded into the human interface. We connect only virtually. The calendar needs to be checked before meeting friends. Spending time relaxing and vegetating spikes up our guilt factor.


Thanks to the busy schedules we all have, we have many lifestyle related diseases affecting both adults and children, which were never heard of earlier. Meeting and connecting with family and friends has become a rarity. People are happy with their own self for company, of course with their gadgets. We lead a kind of robotic life, devoid of emotions. Isn’t it a scary scenario?

Stop being as busy as a buzzing bumble bee!

Don’t you think we need to break free from being busy all the time? Would love to know your views!





43 thoughts on “Alphabet B – Busy!”

  1. Beautiful words of truth Radhika and definitely we need a lot of time for us with today technology where everyone seems to be busy and no one talks to anyone only we are talking to our mobiles and computers. Sometimes it feels that we need to be absolutely alone only with ourselves for company.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Busy, busy is the new mantra. We have no time for anything relating to humanity or human touch. It’s a mechanised life and probably more cases of depression too surfacing these days. Sad..,😞
    Beautiful post, Radhika.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Agree that modern life and technology have their negatives. Technology is only a tool, how we use it determines the stress and anxiety levels – the key B word is Balance!

    But disagree re those “good ol’ days” – only the affluent had it better then. Measles, pox, polio, TB endless diseases for which there were no cures and no vaccines. Women either died in childbirth, or were pregnant or were working in the house/fields 24/7. Ordinary people had very little control over their lives.

    Technology has meant huge changes for the Better generally, a more equal society, better education, less death and disaster and ghastliness imho.

    All the best for the challenge,
    From Madly-in-Verse


    1. Days were tough earlier too, specially for the masses. While I don’t deny that technology has improved our lifestyle tremendously, it has also brought in a hoard of other problems with it. Lifestyle diseases, disconnect among people, phycological disorders. The negatives effects can be seen in children too.
      Like you rightly pointed out Nilanjana, we have to find a balance for its usage. Advanced technology should have left us with more time at our disposal , which I find lacking with people today. Unfortunately it seems to be sucking us into it like a whirlpool.
      Thanks so much for sharing your views 🙂


  4. Nowadays social media i keeping us more busy than just work.
    Now we don’t just wish going for a nice dinner, we wish to go to a fancy restaurant, have a picture worthy meal, have great lighting to have great selfies, have wifi to upload to all our social media handles; phew! that’s taking a lot of our time, and we are always busy.
    but who do we complain, often we ourselves choose to be busy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am partly with you on the ‘busy’ thing, Radhika. 🙂
    We have become busy because terms- ambition, goals, and dreams are being taken much more seriously than they used to be in the past. And with this the competition also has increased manifold. Which ultimately demands more efforts, more work from the individual, and all of this eventually results in the usage of term-‘busy’ way too often.
    But yeah, if sticking to gadgets for no reason is what make someone busy then that is something I don’t consider being busy. It rather is being addicted.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Gm Aditi! Everything today is competition driven and people are putting in a lot of hard work to realise their dreams. But being busy on the path to reach the destination is never ending, ultimately they are paying a very heavy price for it. At the end of the life, is it all really worth it? A life sans beautiful memories, family bonding and the actual connect with people?


  7. I am thankful for the company of gadgets be it Kindle or TV or phone something else. It gives me a medium to reach out to people which becomes difficult in person otherwise.
    Without technology you wouldn’t have been sharing this blog but might be writing a book or a diary. Everything has it’s pros and cons it’s on us whether we use it or get used.
    Just a thought

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Since I don’t stay very busy, you can connect with me when you want. What are those lots of things, I would like to know so that I may try to adopt. Maybe others are also either busy because of their job or kids or just like you trying to keep themselves busy.


      2. I don’t stay busy so not the right person to answer. Good question.

        You could have ended the post with a question

        Do you stay busy?
        What keeps you busy?


  8. Of all your posts, I had to read B is for busy. Story of my life. People are happy with their own self for company of course with their gadgets. I hear ya. People need to meet and greet, that’s what humanity is about.
    My theme this year is anything Writer(ly) check it out:

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This message needs to be said and re-said, Radhika You are right about feeling guilty if we spent some time talking to some ‘real’ people or simply getting lost in ones company or playing with a little child! We need to re-learn to moor ourselves to reality balancing our virtual world, which has so become a part of our lives!

    Liked by 1 person

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