

From my travels I pick you up

all so colourful and bright

in different shapes and sizes

each , with a story to tell.

You sit snugly together

on my refrigerator,

taking me back in time,

kindling fond memories

of holidays spent with

family and friends,

of the beautiful places visited.

With open arms you welcome

new magnets to your clan,

that each of my trip brings.

I wish we humans could emulate

the camaraderie you exhibit.


In response to Daily prompt : Magnet

66 thoughts on “Magnets!”

  1. It made me remember my old days mam.
    Also It’s good to see some vegetables, fruits & animals sticking to the door 😁
    I do emulate the camaraderie!
    Beautiful way of connecting with past visits 👏 & noticing things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad to hear that you too have a craze for collecting magnets. 😊
      But I disagree with the second part. You are being very modest Divya. I am a huge fan of your work. I truly look forward to reading them. My request to you is to keep them coming 😍


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