Dream Come True!


Words fall short to describe some moments in life, it’s a surreal feeling. That’s exactly how I felt on getting my first book published. Encouraged and motivated by family, friends and many of my dear blogger friends, I managed to fulfill this dream of mine.

My poetry book titled “Eclectic Verses” is an amalgam of 125 poems and haiku. This diverse mix of words and emotions, makes it an interesting read. Each section suits diverse palates, giving you food for thought. The cover page and the illustrations have been designed by my daughter.

The paperback version is available on Amazon.in, Notion Press and Flipkart.

e book, listing at Amazon.com and other international bookstores will be available shortly.

Please do spread the word in your circles.

Hope you reward my modest maiden attempt at poetry, by reading it and sharing your feedback on the same. My heart beats at a frenzied pace, as I eagerly await to hear your verdict on it.

76 thoughts on “Dream Come True!”

  1. Hearty congratulations, Radhika. So nice to see you coming out with your poetry book. I will go and download your book from Amazon once it comes as an ebook. Do let me know and I liked the cover page done by your daughter and my son also did the same for me. All the very best in your new endeavour. God bless.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Many, many congratulations!!! I know how that feels, or I should say I want to know how that feels. I am trying to get my poems published, but I am just too overwhelmed by the idea itself, plus haven’t really found the right way to go about it. May be i have been looking in all the wrong places.
    But I am so happy for you. I intend to grab your book as soon as I can.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a ton Moushumi. Elated but sometimes I feel it’s all a dream. The feeling is yet to sink in I guess 😊. Do read it and let me know your thoughts on it.
      You should definitely go ahead and get your work published Moushumi.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am as eager for your book to be delivered to me as you are to know the readers’ thoughts. Only I guess the people are working too slow because of this coronavirus. But rest assured, I will start reading it as soon as it gets delivered to me. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Sure Mam… I will read your book soon and will write a review post as well… will let you know once I read and write the review post… 🙂
        Apne likha hai to acha hi hoga… 🙂


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