Strokes of Courage!

Children Multicolored Hand Paint

Wavering fragile lines

alter to being resolute,

illegible scribbles and scrawls

transformed into stylized writings,

wings of fear clipped

to soar into the open skies,

meek submission develops

to an emphatic No,

the societal molds shed

to being You,

standing steadfast

against swaying temptations,

to own up responsibility

for a wrong doing,

leaving behind the comfort zone

to swim against the tide.

Filled with these strokes of courage

the canvas of life paints picture

evolving into an

aesthetic masterpiece

with a metamorphosed soul!


V.J’s weekly challenge #92 : Behind

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Courage

55 thoughts on “Strokes of Courage!”

  1. Truly beautiful words, R! It does take courage to wade into the waves, swimming away from the shore into the deeps where the unknown awaits – it’s just you and your conviction, your faith in your abilities and the determination to succeed…

    Liked by 2 people

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