Virtual Classrooms!

Happy to share that this poem is featured in prohzeonline publications.

Young lady typing on keyboard of laptop in living room

Normally at this time of the year, the schools here in India, would witness a fusillade of squeals and chatter, welcoming the students after a two month vacation. The glee and excitement they feel on the opening day, is absolutely contagious. Dressed in a new uniforms, with new books, new classrooms, meeting old friends and new, they are all geared up to take on another academic year in their stride.

But alas, this year things seem to have gravitated from the normal. With uncertainty looming large in all aspects of life, and no clarity on how long this pandemic will last, schools have resorted to virtual classrooms with online classes for most of the grades. It is a huge adjustment for the teachers and the students alike. Everybody is desperately waiting for things to fall back to normalcy.

The deserted school waits in vain

for its classrooms to be filled,

with boisterous brats and nerdy brains,

 innocent laughter that echoes to the corridors

tiny hands that crayon a masterpiece

the endless debates of the thinking minds

experiments, hobbies and art classes

assignments, projects and field trips

 endless squabbles and punishment

the favourite teacher, the secret crush,

surprise tests, boring classes,

cheering buddies and bruised knees

pandemonium on playground,

innumerable memories created

within the periphery of school.


the languid souls confined to their rooms,

desperately try to focus on the lessons online

missing out on all the fun and learning.

Restless, they wait in anticipation

to step back into their classrooms

to fill  the canvas of their school life

with bold strokes of joyful learning.

47 thoughts on “Virtual Classrooms!”

  1. I feel really sad for these kids. Online classes can never replace the simply joys of real life classroom experience. And you’ve penned it so well, Radhika✍️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Schools here have been closed for three months. The children miss their friends, the interaction and the learning. Home schooling has not gone so well. Loved your poem – you’ve captured the importance of it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You said it perfectly, Radhika. Though in the north schools are closed in June and this happens in April, but the feeling is aptly captured.
    Online classes are no fun for the kids as well as the teachers. Just yesterday the HRD minister had said there is no possibility of reopening schools before August! So…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Today is the last day of schools in NJ. My kids are so happy for the end of online learning going on for 3 months now. They hated the online learning and anxious to go back to school come September. Here’s hoping for the old normal learning in Sep.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope so too Smitha. In India government wanted to reopen schools in July. But parents did not agree. Praying for things to get back to normal soon.
      It’s really sad to see kids confined to their rooms staring at the screen.


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