Haibun – Seasonal Epiphany!


Myriad hues, textures and beauty dress the landscape. Be it the floral scents of spring , the white canvas of the wintry snow, the sultry heat of summers, the  heavenly drizzles of the rains, or the bare look of the autumn, the sublime transition of the seasons scripts its own story.  The daily melting of dawn into dusk of the revolving orb, spins magic on nature. Its cinematography ushers in a sense of serendipity. Effervescent dreams, drenching nostalgia, starry extravaganza, fiery passion, alluring desires, bewitching blossoms, frozen delights, somber melancholy, sensory fragrances, tranquil divinity, all find a place in the changing array of seasons. They weave a beautiful kaleidoscope of emotions, promise and hope.

seamless transitions

graceful femininity

redolent aura

Haibun is a Japanese genre of combining prose with poetry. The key to the art of haibun is the graceful pairing of poem and prose, where the poem links to the prose yet shifts away from it.

V.J’s weekly challenge #110 : Smell

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Transition

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