A matter of perspective!


In between the first cry

and the last breath

we live our lives,

dominate the earth.

It appears

long enough to be termed

a life time!

 The wider picture seen

from the infinite cosmic universe

changes perspectives.

Eras shrink to insignificance,

only to realise,

In the end,

we were just a moment!

Godoggocafe’s Tuesday Writing Prompt :Write a piece of prose or poetry that ends with,” in the end, we were just a moment.

67 thoughts on “A matter of perspective!”

  1. That perspective is so true and so humbling. One lifetime is indeed only a moment in time, and we need to live the moment fully and relish it before our time runs out. That is the only way to make that short moment count, else it will be lost in the vast cosmic expanse of time.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. “Eras shrink to insignificance”: oh, it’s so true. That’s a great and thoughtful. Today will mean almost nothing to the future. A somewhat sad reality to life. But then also hopeful in that you can start fresh each day.

    Liked by 1 person

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