
Image credit; Adrien King @ Unsplash

Each grain of sand

gently cascades down

at its own pace,

as minutes to hours to years pass.

Since eons, till eternity

in the infinite realms of universe,

for reasons known or unknown

life happens,

without a rhyme or rhythm.


 the many sunrise and sunsets

 the dark and light

 the regrets and letting go

the improvidence and foresight

the scars and smiles

the heartbreak and love

a transformation or regression

a rise or fall,

the boundless space is consumed by

 clash of emotional encumbrance,

till realisation dawns

that between yesterday and tomorrow

the only time to be alive is today,

to make a choice

to be in the “Now”,

to free the soul,

before the last grain in the

hourglass of life

drops down

to be lost in the vast dimensions

of the sands of time.

Sadje’s What do you see # 51

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Foresight

V.J’s weekly challenge #116 : Reason

93 thoughts on “Choice!”

  1. This is so beautiful Radhika.

    And I am so glad to read it today as most of yesterday my thoughts were on karma, past, future and the Now. Something like getting enlightened 😅

    Keep shining your light Radhika. Love and blessings 💖🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Amazing piece, Radhika! Every line speaks and especially
    “the only time to be alive is today,
    to make a choice
    to be in the “Now”,
    to free the soul,”
    Thank you so much for joining in!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have always loved watching the hour glass, there’s something soothing about them. Your poem is absolutely beautiful, the hour glass as if consists all of life moments, one grain at a time and how it all comes together at the end again.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. The sand trickling in the hourglass is a great analogy Radhika, gentle yet strong reminder of time which stops for none!
    True, almost everything in life is about a repetition of highs and lows. Rather than be lost in them, ride through them, savour every moment and look forward to what the future might bring. Best way to enjoy the journey🌷🌻🥀

    Liked by 3 people

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