My Life Story!

Image credit; Pisauikan@ Pixabay

The life’s mirror reflects

a face matured with the grace

glowing to the mellow radiance of sunset.

Chapped lips smile, braving the many

 harsh winters of life with courage.

Each wrinkle unfolds a story of grit and valor,

 walking on the arduous thorny cobbled trails.


The eyes reflect benign complacency

watching the seeds then sown

sprout into lush verdants.

Towering boughs spread out

as deep roots embedded with values hold them strong.

The road I chose

 didn’t bestow me much material prosperity,


my soul amassed a wealth beyond measure

my sanguine heart brims with contentment,

I lived each moment, as a celebration of life!

Sadje’s What do you see #52

107 thoughts on “My Life Story!”

      1. Yes. The lesson of empathy is prime. We shouldn’t become like those who’ve hurt us. The first time I met the Dalai Lama, I was humbled when he told me about the Chinese occupation. How his close family had been killed by them.
        But he wasn’t bitter at all.
        A great lesson in forgiveness and empathy.
        Your words also strike a deep chord.
        Thank you

        Liked by 1 person

  1. That is a smile of satisfaction, and the beautiful lines fully complete the story of a life virtuosly lived, and happiness that comes not through materialistic fulfillment but instead through duties well disbursed and responsibilities met to the end. A very contended smile, which your lovely poem complements so well Radhika.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I love the rich perspectives in this poem, it is a beautiful one. The wealth of the world vs the treasure of the heart – it is a privilege to get to know the difference. Complacency in the eyes is just a perception of the other, often times it is an experience of contentment within. Life indeed is a celebration of being present each moment. Love this!

    Liked by 3 people

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