Insipid Life!

Once upon a time, a vivacious girl was she.

Jewels of happy times dazzled her cache of memories.

Her persona emanated a sprightly laughter,

until the pandemic struck.

Locked down within the four walls,

online, virtual space conquered her life.

With friends and family imprisoned on the screen

tentacles of loneliness clasped her breath.

Silent voices screamed within her head,

with thoughts, lost in the labyrinth of anxiety.

Her once effervescent soul, today is anemic.

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced schools, colleges and educational institutions to shut down since March last year. At an age when the primary fulfilling factor is interaction with classmates and enjoying school-life, a shutdown has wreaked havoc in the daily life of students. We have seen an alarming rise in the mental health problems faced by them. Acknowledging this issue with timely treatment can make a significant difference in helping them cope better with the situation.

Reena’s exploration challenge #174

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Jewel

55 thoughts on “Insipid Life!”

      1. Yes Radhika I too feel so restless once I get up say by six in the morning and then have to keep myself so positive and take God’s name it is madness. Too much negativity everywhere. Let’s hope all goes well. Take care and stay safe 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️

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  1. So true and beautifully penned. The virus has taken its toll in more ways than one. It seems we were misled in many ways, especially closing things down. Some countries and the State of Florida opened everything up with no signs of an increase of virus cases. I feel there will be some serious mental health issues in the future. Fabulous piece, Radhika! Brava!

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    1. That’s such a relief Eugenia. Here in India, when we thought everything was under control, we have a new spike in some states. Hoping this is not a second wave. Keeping fingers crossed.
      Thank you so much. Let’s pray for normalcy to return across the globe. ❤️

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  2. Your poem is very beautiful and meaningful. I agree it is necessary to acknowledge the toll it is taking on entire generations from these varied age groups. The youngest children have not seen another world and the online school is so taxing on their systems – adults too not equipped often to adapt to the times while caring for them. The teenagers are struggling with mental well being is heartbreaking for parents to deal with.

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    1. I so agree with you Pragalbha. People across ages and strata are dealing with something so new and different. Mental health is a major cause of worry. Many times one doesn’t even realise he needs help. It is indeed heartbreaking for the person and the family. Hopefully we’ll come out stronger from this.

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  3. Beautifully written Radhika, and so true! And children have become super addicted to their gadgets and gizmos during this imprisonment. They now have online gaming sessions! Hopefully they will be able to recover the joy of outdoors playing once this is all over!

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    1. I too wish so Deb. Sometimes it just feels like a bad dream and hope it’ll all be normal when we wake up. Keeping sane in such times is quite a daunting task. Let’s hope we’ll be able to enjoy outdoors soon.🤞


  4. A very true plight of so many around the world. By now everyone knows someone who has passed away and many have simply ebbed away in depression and for losing their jobs and other reasons different from the disease itself. Lovely poetry during these trying days.

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