Alphabet J – Journey into blogging!

A to Z Challenge


Day 12 – ** Theme Kaleidoscope of thoughts**


Blogging was alien to me till a few years back. Some friends once mentioned about blogs. Intrigued and fascinated by what I had learned, I came home and googled out “blog” and it opened up an expanse of literary artistry before me. I was amazed at what I had discovered. An ocean of bloggers from across the globe showcasing their written work on topics so varied and diverse.

It was then I decided that one day, I too shall start blogging. Immediately made a note in my “Bucket List “of things to do in my diary.  Many other things in life kept me busy for quite some time, and the list remained safe and secure in my diary, completely slipping out of my mind.

Last year when I was cleaning my closet, I found my diary and was browsing it.

“Starting my own blog” started at me. That’s when I decided to take the plunge. The journey so far has been good and I am enjoying every moment. It’s been such a learning experience. Admiration, respect and amazement is what I feel for all your ideas, talent and creative skills.  It is an absolute honour for me to be a tiny part of the blogosphere with all of you. A decision I am happy I took.

Words find their way out

from the thoughts that sprout

from my finite mind

leading them to infinite people.

Easy and lucid they are

to comprehend,

but are no match to

the work of the eminent laureates

I find many, among you.

Coming straight from the heart

my words through my blog just want to

fill your day with sunshine and warmth!

Happy Blogging ❤ !

Would love to know, how did you start your blogging journey?