The Sphinx’s Lament…

Since time immemorial, my abode was

teeming with people from across the world.

Intrigued by the myths that shroud me,

photographers, writers and tourists

thronged to experience my mystic aura.

The gales filled me with the echoes of

 chatter and clicks of the shutterbugs.

Always, the center of attraction,

there was  never a dull moment in my life.

Life across the globe changed drastically,

 the gloom of the pandemic, cast an ominous shadow.

Today, the gales sing a melancholic tune

bringing in silent grains of sand.

I am deserted, in this vast desert,

lonely and desolate, scanning the roads,

trying to hear voices, in the eerie stillness of time.

Sadje’s : WDYS #80

V. J’s weekly challenge : Roads