That Evening…

Finally, she said Yes!! My joy knew no bounds. We were going on a date that night, to celebrate this happy day. The soft romantic number playing on the radio, complemented my rapturous mood perfectly.

I took care to dress well. Looking at the mirror, I chuckled. “Hmm, not bad” I said to myself. I splashed some extra cologne and was all set for our celebratory dinner. Looking at the watch, I reminded myself not to be late. She would be here any moment.

As I was coming down the stairs, the sound of the gunshot pierced into the stillness of the evening. I saw her body collapse onto the floor by the front door. A dark figure, furtively darted into the fading dusk outside. I sat there numbed with shock, too dazed to move.

 “Cut!”, called the Director. Good shot Morgan! Let’s pack up for the day.

Sadje’s WDYS #132