Eventide Inspiration!

Sadje’s WDYS # 59. What does this picture inspire you to write?

Image credit; Lolame @ Pixabay

The day ebbs across the vistas

dusk descends in hushed tones

wistful whispers echo into the

somber stillness of the horizon,

tussled thoughts fight for freedom.

Inhaling burning despondent puffs

blowing smoky tendrils of melancholy

in pursuit of that elusive muse

crumbled papers, tainted with failed words,

carpet the floor, with insipid fragments of litter.

The eyes glimpse home bound birds, flap balletic wings

flutter across the grace of silhouetted branches

 the beaming orb illuminates the nimbus

awakens the slumbering quill from silence

inks the papyrus with poetic colors.