Scarlet Rage!


Every summer, the mercury rises a couple of notches higher. Life on the planet sizzles under its sweltering heat. The sun shines on with gusto, exhaling a blazing inferno. By evening, the crimson golden lava from its scorching gaze, intertwines with the blue horizon, blanketing it under a fiery glare. It bleeds red hot ire.

hot summer evening

splash of feral livid trail

a marmalade sky

dVerse poets – Summer Haibun

Eugenias weekly prompt : intertwined

Photography – Orange

You paint the horizon with your benign warmth,

 fill in a burst of sunshine, to delight the tropical hues,

mandarin, marmalade, peach or tangerine,

you reflect a perfect glow across the color spectrum.

Jude’s photo challenge : Orange

Abstract of Memories!

silhouette of woman during sunset
Mariam Soliman@unsplash

I walk down the nostalgic boulevard of memories.

As fading sunlight lingers across the horizon,

vintage sepia toned to vivid vibrancy,

my repertoire of reminisces,

paints a mélange of emotions.

Portrays an abstract of my life gone by

before waning under the dusky veil.

Quadrille #136 (44 words)

Written for dVerse. Today’s host Linda says: The word today is Linger or any form thereof.

At Peace!

The warm breeze carries moist salinity of the endless sea,

the hues of the receding sun begins its final dance across the horizon,

choreographing each movement with graceful swirls.

As dusk ambles across the skyline with a sublime gait

leaving a trail of scarlet dreams,

I sit by the shore watching this celestial spectacle unfold.

Just as the broody clouds pale against its luminous crimson glow

my stress from the chaotic day releases,

bringing an untold sense of calm to my weary mind.

Sadje’s WDYS #99

Tempestuous Tale!

lightning storm over skyscrapers

Brooding for ponderous hours, hovering aloft paltry blue, thunderous barbaric blows bestow the sky fall; groaning in the humid summer ether to split unfastened the firmament amidst cracks piercing disconcerted psyches.

Conquering the infernal cumulonimbus expanse, firing a splintered silver beaked lightning ire, its menacing violent acoustics reverberates strong squalls, with a swirling vortex.

Chasms visible for seconds, reverberating and rolling off the consequential stream of energetic clashes. Wifts of sweet petrichor bottled in sense memory bring bolts of clarity, newfound understanding and with it losing all sense of identity within this experimental territory.

Watching condensed tropes formed by the breath on the window pane, against the blitz of the mighty blast, the mind dwells on the moment of visceral epiphany.

Drums of flaming wild desires beat to the pregnant clouds riding stately on bellowing torrential tunes as the zenith of the God’s rages on. Leaves unhook, clouds flurry amidst winds, trees bend to allow pass, turning sharply like a plague of locusts, whirling, tossing up in its tail, a mad craze chasing after nothing. An electromagnetic spectacle circus exhibition.

The avalanche of stormy carnival fades, inexorable summer rains calm down from its bout of convulsed fury, lifting its fractious mien. The faint chimes from the distant bell, welcomes the prismatic band across the azure horizon.

Another collaboration with Amber from DiosRaw

Colors of Hope!

ic: Sadje

The once happy cumulus, lay defeated

eclipsed by the brooding cloak of grey,

casting a pale ebony reflection

on the sedated waters.

The tone of the dusky sky

forebode whispers of despondency.

The distant peaks, stood a mute witness

watching in anguish, in sheer helplessness.

The winds of change blow across,

obligate the smoky clouds to shrivel,

unravel a sliver of dazzle hidden behind

smiling with colors of hope.

Sadje’s WDYS #83


Dusk explodes across the horizon

as the waning rays of the sun, bids adieu for the day,

 with a burst of blazing orange inferno,

as the aqua waters, drink in its feral beauty.

Standing by the silhouette of the lighthouse,

I scan the horizon till its periphery,

to absorb the beauty of this ephemeral artistry,

before the tableau of hues,

is devoured by the inky darkness.

Sadje’s WDYS prompt # 79

V. J’s weekly Challenge : Peripheral

Haiku – Dance of the Dawn!

blue sky and white clouds during sunset

Promising prelude

layers of colors celebrate

 infinite sky glows

Nascent rays glide down

spectacular dazzling show

the dance of the dawn

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Dance

Reena’s exploration challenge : Layers

Etching Our Destiny!

Image credit; Andrew Morris @ Unsplash

The ruby sun readies to dip

into the shimmering waters,

Horizon curls into a speckled band

as twilight kisses it,

The panoramic seascape changes color as

the saline breeze whispers softly

Gentle darkness descends to the rhythm of

the receding tide

The glowing luna enters the timeless expanse

of star studded sky.

We walk hand in hand watching the ebbing

waves wane our footprints,

The tangerine glow of the fairy lights

sets a perfect ambiance

As we etch our dreamy destiny of togetherness

in the fragile sands of time.

Sadje’s WDYS #77

Eventide Inspiration!

Sadje’s WDYS # 59. What does this picture inspire you to write?

Image credit; Lolame @ Pixabay

The day ebbs across the vistas

dusk descends in hushed tones

wistful whispers echo into the

somber stillness of the horizon,

tussled thoughts fight for freedom.

Inhaling burning despondent puffs

blowing smoky tendrils of melancholy

in pursuit of that elusive muse

crumbled papers, tainted with failed words,

carpet the floor, with insipid fragments of litter.

The eyes glimpse home bound birds, flap balletic wings

flutter across the grace of silhouetted branches

 the beaming orb illuminates the nimbus

awakens the slumbering quill from silence

inks the papyrus with poetic colors.