Photography – Sun will come out tomorrow!

Lens Artists Photo challenge #122 hosted by Ana

Dark clouds of disappointment looms large

 tears get camouflaged in the rains

the sombre sky sings a melancholic tune.

But fret not O mind! For I know

tomorrow, a ray of hope peeps in at dawn

ushering in a promise of a new day

drying the tears and painting the clouds white

as the sun embraces the horizon

the world smiles under its dazzling glow.

Outskirts of Bangalore
Ashtamudi, Kerala
Munnar, Kerala
Himalayan range, Uttarakhand
Puri, Odisha

Sun n Sea – A Harmony!

Eastern sky glistens

the dreamy sea slumbers on

indolent waves ebb


golden sunshine smiles

sun-drenched tides unfurl magic

turquoise melange


emits a bright trail

kisses the western skyline

lulls the blue expanse


oceanic tides

weaves an endless saga of

cadenced harmony!




Battle of Thoughts!


The tussle between the thoughts

wreak havoc to my sanity

the positives and negatives jostle

vie, to dominate each other

mire the mind in a muddled mess.

Bound within the confines of home

the daily chores defeat the weary body

frustrations overpower the confused mind

it succumbs to a sulking mood

banging the door shut, to all .

The eventide ray from the horizon peeps in

bringing with it an enlightened reflection

merging the vestige of dark thoughts with the weaning shadows

the benign glow of the amethyst horizon

embraces the soul in a serene grace of gratitude .

Confined to home due to the lock down, my ramblings found words to vent out my frustrations. All fine, just waiting for this dark cloud to blow away without much harm.

Stay safe , Take care!

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Enlighten

WPC – Rise/Set

In response to weekly photo challenge rise/set


The rising orb spins around

announces the divine birth of dawn

a scarlet blush behind the illuminated clouds

the darkness gently surrenders

to the ethereal glow of the golden rays

with a promise of a new day ahead!


Its time for dusk to enter

the horizon paints bold strokes

vermillion red and marmalade orange

dominate the celestial skies

dark curtains fall across the expanse

readying the stage for the magical moon!
