Through my eyes…

Corona and its impact grips the world

 media spews fear in the minds of people

blowing things out of proportion.

Amidst all the negative pandemonium

they fail to highlight the rays of hope

emanating from kind souls

who reach out a helping hand,

infuse positive endurance.

I have realised, to see the world

through the people that surround me,

not through the blare of the breaking news.

Word count : 67

Haiku – Better days ahead…


Monstrous gloom descends

anxiety engulfs life

pandemic looms large


gales of panic blow

amidst uncertain currents

cling steadfast to faith


sparkle of ray peeps

glorious sunshine embraces

global well being


Feeling low on hearing about so many positive cases around me. Trying to keep up a positive frame of mind, clinging on to hope, that things will improve and praying that this  pandemic will end. Soon the world will see a beautiful new dawn emerge behind the grey clouds of fear.

Stay safe and take care!

Haiku – Renewal of Hope!

World, Harmony, Continents, Earth, Hope, Peace

Unannounced attack

invisible enemy

global pandemic


an uphill battle

animated deeds of grace

unified efforts


buoyant humankind

ushers promise of new dawn

renewal of hope


Eugi’s weekly prompt : Renewal



Will we make the right choice?


Life’s roads, so unpredictable

a sudden brake, brings the car

to a screeching halt.

The meandering roads show

no sign of destination,

the path ahead looks eerily dark.

A glimmer of hope

peeps in through the obscure maze

tiny luminaries twinkle bright

an effulgent moonlight beams

its magical smile,

lights up the route,

for life to move on!

This poem depicts the current situation of our life. The minute virus brought life across the globe to a grinding halt. Man felt he was armored with invincibility, making forays with such advanced technology and sophisticated gadgets. It took an infinitesimal microbe to get man on his knees and make him utterly helpless.

I hope wisdom prevails and man uses his intellect to learn an invaluable lesson from this bitter experience.

While I always like to end things on a positive note, I would like to know your thoughts on this. Do you think we will mend our ways to a better tomorrow or will we tread back on the same path all over again?

Battle of Thoughts!


The tussle between the thoughts

wreak havoc to my sanity

the positives and negatives jostle

vie, to dominate each other

mire the mind in a muddled mess.

Bound within the confines of home

the daily chores defeat the weary body

frustrations overpower the confused mind

it succumbs to a sulking mood

banging the door shut, to all .

The eventide ray from the horizon peeps in

bringing with it an enlightened reflection

merging the vestige of dark thoughts with the weaning shadows

the benign glow of the amethyst horizon

embraces the soul in a serene grace of gratitude .

Confined to home due to the lock down, my ramblings found words to vent out my frustrations. All fine, just waiting for this dark cloud to blow away without much harm.

Stay safe , Take care!

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Enlighten

Photography – Connect!

Lock down has forced people to think of different ways to keep themselves creatively occupied. Be it reading, writing, cooking, a hobby, giving their home a makeover, are all on their ” to do lists” right now. Connecting back seems to be the underlying commonality between the various interests that people are pursuing. Basically they are returning to the roots, connecting better with nature, enjoying the sounds of chirps and chimes, (thanks to the absence of  the loud honks), indulging in some soul therapy, rekindling long forgotten memories and bonding with family.

Hope we continue this connect, post this testing time for us.


Dutch goes the photo prompt : Connect

Gratitude & Prayer!


Since World war II, we haven’t been impacted by a situation as serious as what we are facing today, at a global level. Corona has altered our lives beyond imagination.

Many countries across the world have announced lock downs and curfews. Borders, flights, offices, everything except essentials have been shut down to contain the spread of virus. While the government has constantly reassured that it is taking adequate measures to contain the pandemic, people are getting paranoid. With no clue as to how long the situation may drag on, there is a sense of fear prevalent among the masses.

Confined within homes, we have come to realize how much we depend on a chain of people who ensure the smooth functioning of a society. Each one like a piece of jigsaw puzzle fits in, to complete the picture. We all work in tandem, complementing each other and completing the loop. But there is one sector of workers whose value or importance we as a society have always undermined. They are the sanitary workers, sweepers and cleaners. Given the shutdown orders, we have a skeletal housekeeping staff for a huge apartment complex. So garbage pickup and cleaning is now being done on alternate days. With no maids too, the entire family is chipping in to help with household chores. It’s only now that people realize the things and luxuries that we take for granted. It’s time we acknowledge their service with gratitude.

After decades today a pause button has been pressed in our otherwise hurried lifestyle.

Let’s take this moment to acknowledge and appreciate all who directly or indirectly contribute in making our lives better.

Let’s channelize our minds to  remain positive, join hands in prayer for the world to enter into a healing mode.

Pain, fear, experiences and overwhelming situations are great teachers in life.

Let’s hope that this challenging time, makes man emerge, a better human being!

Stay safe, stay blessed!