N – Night Sky!

A to Z Challenge – Nature and I

Jackson Henry@unsplash

When life gets too overwhelming, just look up at the night sky and lose yourself for a while. – Deborah A Ten Brink

The torrents of emotions created a tempest within me.

I escaped home, to the sea, my refuge

The darkness of the impenetrable sky

the roar of the undulating waves, mirrored my perturbed mind.

With not a soul around, just me

I let the floodgates of incessant tears flow, merging into the salty waters.

The scintillating pregnant moon, appeared from behind the broody clouds,

she looked down at me with a loving smile.

Captivated by her warmth, I felt my tears dry.

Her benign radiance comforted my emotional ripples.

The dazzle of the luminous stars illuminated my heart,

serenading it, to complement the gleaming waters.

I sat there mesmerized beneath the surface of the night

feeling my pain being washed away until,

the promise of a new dawn embraced me, filling me with light!

You can read my earlier posts in the challenge here.


A to Z Challenge 2022 – Nature and I

Cherry Laithang@unsplash.com

Darkness and light are an integral phenomenon of nature. Darkness is essential to appreciate light. Metaphorically, the problems or pain in life is akin to darkness. The hurdles or challenges people undergo are universal. Nobody’s life is all light and bright. Shadows eclipse our life without a warning. Many a time, when the fear of being devoured by the tunnel of blackness grips us, light seems elusive. We feel vulnerable under its burden. Anxiety, fear and pain confounds us when we are hit by a stumbling block, be it an illness, broken relationship or financial set back. But one must always remember, behind every dark patch, there is a warm grace of sun waiting to shine upon us. Being able to tap into our hidden inner strengths, to overcome the problem on hand, being open to the learnings from it, helps us put on the armor of resilience to bounce back stronger.

In pain there is power of healing – Wayne Dyer

It is easier said than done. While in pain we wallow in a whining emotion. We further go down into the abyss of nihility. Yet, somewhere from the corner of our heart, we hear a faint whisper or a tiny ray of light urging us to walk towards it. The struggles we endure, helps us grow.

All darkness vanished, when I saw the light within my heart. – Kabir

The glitter of the twinkling stars and the radiance of the moon can be appreciated only in the blackness of night. They are not intimidated by the darkness and shine to their full potential radiating a luminous sparkle. Often, they are a beacon of light to the lost soul.  

somber feelings flood

tiny ray of hope conquers

resurgence of light

You can read my earlier posts of the challenge here.

Happy New Year!

The amber rays permeate the eastern horizon,

heralding the new year under its benign embrace.

Hope this promising prelude of radiance,

paints hues of healing and well-being for all.

A very Happy 2022 to my WordPress family!

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Promises

Gratitude & Prayer!


Since World war II, we haven’t been impacted by a situation as serious as what we are facing today, at a global level. Corona has altered our lives beyond imagination.

Many countries across the world have announced lock downs and curfews. Borders, flights, offices, everything except essentials have been shut down to contain the spread of virus. While the government has constantly reassured that it is taking adequate measures to contain the pandemic, people are getting paranoid. With no clue as to how long the situation may drag on, there is a sense of fear prevalent among the masses.

Confined within homes, we have come to realize how much we depend on a chain of people who ensure the smooth functioning of a society. Each one like a piece of jigsaw puzzle fits in, to complete the picture. We all work in tandem, complementing each other and completing the loop. But there is one sector of workers whose value or importance we as a society have always undermined. They are the sanitary workers, sweepers and cleaners. Given the shutdown orders, we have a skeletal housekeeping staff for a huge apartment complex. So garbage pickup and cleaning is now being done on alternate days. With no maids too, the entire family is chipping in to help with household chores. It’s only now that people realize the things and luxuries that we take for granted. It’s time we acknowledge their service with gratitude.

After decades today a pause button has been pressed in our otherwise hurried lifestyle.

Let’s take this moment to acknowledge and appreciate all who directly or indirectly contribute in making our lives better.

Let’s channelize our minds to  remain positive, join hands in prayer for the world to enter into a healing mode.

Pain, fear, experiences and overwhelming situations are great teachers in life.

Let’s hope that this challenging time, makes man emerge, a better human being!

Stay safe, stay blessed!