Z – Zen!

A to Z challenge – Nature and I

Today is the last post of the A to Z challenge. This journey with nature has mellowed me, opened up layers of my personality hidden deep, helped me release my emotional baggage and accept life and its offerings with grace. I am thankful that my connect with nature has been an enlightening experience for me.

Yoga, Woman, Lake, Outdoors, Lotus Pose, Meditation

In the lap of nature, the connect ignites a trigger

the mind delves deeper within the confines of self,

arriving at the inner unexplored sanctum.

The layers of ignorance unravel slowly,

 multitude of thoughts, gently settle into sedation.

Bedazzled by the radiance of the mystic aura,

it revels under the new found feeling of bliss,

soaking in a beauteous facet emerging.

Tuning in to the faint susurrations of the cosmic energy,

floating in the stillness of that embryonic light,

 the soul listens to the sounds of silence,

 resonating with vibrations of infinite peace.

You can read my earlier posts of the challenge here.

A big thank you to all my readers who stayed with me on this journey and showered their love on my work. Stay safe, connect with nature and always be happy !

Y- Yugen!

A to Z challenge 2022 – Nature and I

Yugen (noun)

Yugen is an important concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics. There are moments in life, where words seem inadequate to describe your experience.

Yugen means a profound awareness of the universe that triggered feelings too deep and mysterious for words.

“To watch the sun, sink behind a flower clad hill. To wander on in a huge forest without thought of return. To stand upon the shore and gaze after a boat that disappears behind distant islands. To contemplate the flight of geese seen and lost among the clouds…” Zeami Motokiyo

Today on this penultimate day of the challenge I take you along me on a morning walk in the woods, where I experienced a wondrous feeling of Yugen.

The walk along the muddy trail of the forest was a revelation. An amalgam of verdant tan, the trees breathed an organic scent. The verdure paradise was slowly awakening from its deep mossy slumber into a moist misty morning.  The raw breeze and foggy veil had an mystic allure to it. Their entwined roots and strong embracing boughs were a testimony of their primeval connect.

 The twigs crunched under my feet as I ambled along the wet brown path.  The woody heaven came alive to the sounds of the forest. The chirps of the avian, scuttling rabbits, rustling foliage, scurrying squirrels, hissing reptiles, trill of the insects, sounds of arboreal creatures and the cry of the wild, all playing at their own rhythm yet orchestrating a perfect harmony.

The ambience of the forest stopped the clock. I lost myself into her welcoming arms. Under the canopy of a green palette, I inhaled the freshness of natural wonder, soaked in the beauty of flora and fauna, admired the medley of diversity, and listened to the pure and earthen tales of the wilderness. What started as a mere amble, culminated in an soul stirring experience which was hard to put down in words.

You can read my earlier posts from the challenge here.

R – Rains!

A to Z Challenge – Nature and I


By July the monsoon bells ring in the Indian peninsula as the entire country is drenched in the sanguine pearls from the heavens. The parched land finds much respite from the sweltering summer heat sapping all energy from the flora and fauna. The insipid leaves get a glossy green makeover, insects cavort around in trilling conversations, meandering rivers swell with gushing pride, pastoral meadows awaken from their withered slumber, farmers send a prayer of gratitude, children squeal in glee, artistic minds conceive creative odes. Man and nature rejoice under the magical spell of rains.

Wafting petrichor

verdurous euphonic song

monsoon nirvana

When I watch the showers from my window, I realize apart from the sensory delight, there are many things it teaches us.

When the moisture overwhelms the clouds, they let go of their burden, in the form of rain. We need to imbibe the same. When we find it difficult to carry the emotional baggage in life, it is imperative that we learn to let go of it. The more we hold on to the pain, further down it will suck us into a dark whirlpool. So just like the rains, our emotions need a healthy release. Letting go is very vital to heal ourselves.

Every storm runs out of rain – Maya Angelou

At times, the overcast dark clouds and the incessant rain dampens our spirit and thwarts our plans. But in reality, this brooding melancholy doesn’t last forever. After hours of rain, the sky eventually clears up with the sun shining bright and sometimes rewarding us with a beautiful chromatic rainbow. With the same analogy, problems in life however bad they are, will be sorted and life will smile at us. Optimistic attitude is like an umbrella protecting us from getting drenched from the miseries of life.

You can read my earlier posts from the challenge here.

Q – Quietude!

A to Z Challenge – Nature and I

I love the feeling when the mind wanders and rests at the same time – Pragalbha Doshi

Being immersed in nature, away from people, work and gadgets, is the best gift one can give to self. Reflective solitude in the lap of nature is absolutely therapeutic. Tuning into the flow of nature, being mindful of the present, heeding a listening ear to the little sounds around, can be a profoundly gratifying experience.

In an age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow. In an age of distraction, nothing can be more luxurious than paying attention. And in the age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still. – Pico Iyer

For today’s challenge, I am sharing a few pics from my archives where I love to spend time in quietude!

silent dialogues

visceral epiphany

natural recharge

A perfect place to spend time in reflective solitude!
Watching the clouds drift by!
Observing the buzzing bees at work on the beautiful bloom.
Gazing at the slothful blue!
Relaxing under the green parasol
Freezing conversations at the peak!
Listening to their fishy tales:)
Twilight tidings!
Bidding the sun adieu for the day
Admiring its bewitching smile

You can read my earlier posts from the challenge here.

P – Painting Poetry!

A to Z Challenge – Nature and I


Nature has always been a favorite muse of artists, writers and story tellers. There is something magical about the natural world that kindles the imagination and evokes evocative emotions in people. I am no different.

My head is filled with words all askew, as I struggle to put them on paper. The insipid letters weave a dull composition devoid of a soul. In search of inspiration, the open invitation of nature beckons me. I amble out on a leisurely walk, to infuse my pen with the scents and colors of nature, to paint a poetry of verses.

(I have attempted an acrostic haiku for POETRY)

Portrait of night inks

a luminescent mural

raven carousal

Orchestrating awe

a prismatic pageantry

vibrant potpourri

Enraged tempest brews

sculpts torrential emotions

stormy graffiti

Twilight tidings blend

a palette of colors splash

heavenly canvas

Reflective silence

a panoramic snowfall

white calligraphy

Yellow sunshine smiles

animated landscape spurs

inspired quill blossoms.

You can read my earlier posts of the challenge here.

O – Orchestra!

A to Z Challenge 2022 – Nature and I

Oh! The blissful sounds of nature sink deep into your heart, gives eternal joy, all anxiety melts away – Balroop Singh

An urban dweller has to cope up with perennial noise bombardment. During the lockdown we all had a glimpse of staying in calm environs, which was such a treasured blessing. While I am glad that Covid has declined, but sadly the noise levels have increased manifold today, as life crippled back to normalcy post the pandemic.

Earsplitting horns, blaring sirens

hooting trains, loud announcements

construction drills, clanks of metals

nonstop chatter, acrimonious rants

hurried footsteps, cacophonic din.

When the decibels of the city send me into a tizzy,

I head to the lap of nature.

The contrast is such a welcoming change.

Insects’ trill, reprise in bursts along the muddy pathway

the withered leaves rustle and crunch under my footsteps.

The avian warbles, as frogs call out in chorus

 to create a prelude to the symphony.

The mood and lighting changes, chords modulate

to the beats of the baritone rumble of the thunder,

 operatic tenor of the winds keep background score.

The rolling waves crash on the rocks, amplifying its sound effect,

rhythmic cadence of the rains jingle in an impromptu jive,

culminating in a scintillating crescendo.

In the stillness of the night, raindrops plop,

 swaying glades of grass hum a soft solo

to the lyrical signature tune of the zephyr.

The sounds of nature create a riveting orchestra

blending acoustics, tempo and melody in perfect sync.

You can read my earlier posts from the challenge here.

N – Night Sky!

A to Z Challenge – Nature and I

Jackson Henry@unsplash

When life gets too overwhelming, just look up at the night sky and lose yourself for a while. – Deborah A Ten Brink

The torrents of emotions created a tempest within me.

I escaped home, to the sea, my refuge

The darkness of the impenetrable sky

the roar of the undulating waves, mirrored my perturbed mind.

With not a soul around, just me

I let the floodgates of incessant tears flow, merging into the salty waters.

The scintillating pregnant moon, appeared from behind the broody clouds,

she looked down at me with a loving smile.

Captivated by her warmth, I felt my tears dry.

Her benign radiance comforted my emotional ripples.

The dazzle of the luminous stars illuminated my heart,

serenading it, to complement the gleaming waters.

I sat there mesmerized beneath the surface of the night

feeling my pain being washed away until,

the promise of a new dawn embraced me, filling me with light!

You can read my earlier posts in the challenge here.

M-Moon Magic!

A to Z Challenge 2022 – Nature and I

As a kid, sitting at the back seat of the car and peering out of the window amused me. I remember, looking at the moon who had cute face, like that of a bunny rabbit. Often, I felt that it was trying to tell me a story every time I saw it. Sometimes it seemed to be burdened by grief, while at other times it was full of mischief, but most times, its story had a happy ending. Oh, I was sure it was head over heels in love with me, that it kept following my car 🙂

The moon captivated so many young children with its fascinating tales. It enticed them with fairies and goblins, mythological narratives, adventure and drama. Mothers sang soothing lullabies to children to cajole them to slumber under the loving glance of the moonlight. The children wondered in awe at its ability to change shape. They loved it when it played peek a boo with the clouds.

The mystical moon has always been a photographer’s delight. Just like a beautiful damsel, it sure does know which face to put forward for the shutterbugs. Be it the bold and the beautiful or a coy and blushing, it can dress up in myriad hues and avatars. It loves to flirts across the dark expansive sky, fleetingly kissing the clouds on its path.  It enchants a poet’s pen and an artist’s brush to create a master piece depicting its eternal beauty.

The silver halo of the moonlight conjures up romance between the loving hearts. From its celestial abode it casts a luminous shadow to pique the lover’s passion. Inspired by its pearlescent demeanor romantic verses flow from the beloved’s heart. The misty and mellow moonlight, is a witness to the embrace and sublime union of the souls in love.

scintillating orb

esoteric effulgence

hypnotic dazzle

You can read my earlier posts from the challenge here.

L- Limitless Freedom!

A to Z Challenge 2022 – Nature and I

Don’t you think many of us restrict or limit our growth by boundaries we set for ourselves? Man is blessed with boundless potential. Yet the fear of failure, self-imposed barriers and doubts curtail his growth.  Snug and cozy in his self-created comfort zone, hesitation greets his step outside of it. The mind holds on to the “what ifs” before giving it a try.

When I see the birds fly across the blue skies, it reinforces my belief that that we too are blessed with abilities in abundance. When the fledglings are ready, the mother pushes them out of their nest. The little ones instinctively flap their wings and fly into the sky, overcoming fear, slowly but steadily gaining confidence, before soaring into the vast open sky.

“There is freedom waiting for you on the breeze of the sky, and you ask, “What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” Erin Hanson

 The flying birds are a good reminder for me to let go my apprehensions and dare myself to take my feet off the ground.

“The reason birds can fly and we can’t, is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” J. M. Barrie

captive dreams absolved

avian inspiration

the flight to freedom

 All I need to do is, shrug off the self-doubts infringing into my mind. Soaring into the limitless expanse is a dream which I can realize, if I believe in it.

Like Rumi rightly said, “You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through?”

You can read my earlier posts of the challenge here.

K – Kiss!

A to Z Challenge – Nature and I


Have you seen facets of nature indulge in a gentle kiss with such tenderness, that it leaves us in a state of transcendent intoxication?

Multicolored autumnal hues of the leaves, flutter to the zephyrs serenade, pirouetting in gay abandon, with a delicate twirl before kissing the earth’s bosom.

Swirls of lavender and lilac paint the horizon with their splashes, as twilight kisses dusk before merging into the welcoming cradle of inkiness.

The macho rugged peaks of mountains stand tall, yet kiss the prodigal blue with graceful humility.

Buzzing bees hum, hovering around the beaming blossoms, before pecking them with a delightful kiss.

Motifs of intricate iced dollies, cascade with a mellow poise from the empyrean heights, kissing the alabaster coverlet in an affable embrace.

The pearlescent dew drops glide down the glades of grass, plonking a soft kiss on the verdant meadows.

Have you ever paused to observe these delicate spectacles of nature ? Watching these sublime creations unfold, levitates my soul to a feel a buoyant sanguine spirit.

You can read my earlier posts from the challenge here.