Q – Quietude!

A to Z Challenge – Nature and I

I love the feeling when the mind wanders and rests at the same time – Pragalbha Doshi

Being immersed in nature, away from people, work and gadgets, is the best gift one can give to self. Reflective solitude in the lap of nature is absolutely therapeutic. Tuning into the flow of nature, being mindful of the present, heeding a listening ear to the little sounds around, can be a profoundly gratifying experience.

In an age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow. In an age of distraction, nothing can be more luxurious than paying attention. And in the age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still. – Pico Iyer

For today’s challenge, I am sharing a few pics from my archives where I love to spend time in quietude!

silent dialogues

visceral epiphany

natural recharge

A perfect place to spend time in reflective solitude!
Watching the clouds drift by!
Observing the buzzing bees at work on the beautiful bloom.
Gazing at the slothful blue!
Relaxing under the green parasol
Freezing conversations at the peak!
Listening to their fishy tales:)
Twilight tidings!
Bidding the sun adieu for the day
Admiring its bewitching smile

You can read my earlier posts from the challenge here.


Image credit; Suliman Sallehi @ Pexels

Contemplative solitude atop

the many mountains I scale,

 unravel humbling experiences.

Overcoming the challenges of the

jagged precipices of life

liberates my imprisoned mind.

The trepidations and apprehensions

of the arduous ascent, give way to

a symbiotic balance between the body and mind.

I acknowledge my growth from beneath to beyond,

 and appreciate the journey of “becoming”!

Sadje’s WDYS #117

Enlightening Beauties!

I sit by the lake for hours watching

nature’s exquisite craftsmanship

that rise from the murky waters

yet, are a flawless blossom.

The myriad petals unfurl

 in synchronized poise,

with nimble balletic grace.

The floating beauties cast a spell,

intoxicating me in sensory rapture,

infusing a serene aura around.

It triggers a contemplative thought

as an enlightening moment dawns.

Despite the flawed exteriors

real beauty emanates from within.

I do away with the urge to focus on the external,

 indulge in cleansing my soul,

feeding it with bountiful fill of zen .

Sadje’s WDYS # 68

V. J’s weekly challenge : Urge