Peace At Dawn!

Dawn enters the threshold of the ebony sky,

nature’s nimble quill, pens scarlet verses across the yonder,

 broody clouds pale under the dazzle of the sun.

As the empyrean canvas welcomes a new day, singing a lyrical ballad,

I surrender my pain to celestial heavens, bask under its benevolent grace.

The reflective solitude of the morn, envelopes me with abundant peace.

Z – Zen!

A to Z challenge – Nature and I

Today is the last post of the A to Z challenge. This journey with nature has mellowed me, opened up layers of my personality hidden deep, helped me release my emotional baggage and accept life and its offerings with grace. I am thankful that my connect with nature has been an enlightening experience for me.

Yoga, Woman, Lake, Outdoors, Lotus Pose, Meditation

In the lap of nature, the connect ignites a trigger

the mind delves deeper within the confines of self,

arriving at the inner unexplored sanctum.

The layers of ignorance unravel slowly,

 multitude of thoughts, gently settle into sedation.

Bedazzled by the radiance of the mystic aura,

it revels under the new found feeling of bliss,

soaking in a beauteous facet emerging.

Tuning in to the faint susurrations of the cosmic energy,

floating in the stillness of that embryonic light,

 the soul listens to the sounds of silence,

 resonating with vibrations of infinite peace.

You can read my earlier posts of the challenge here.

A big thank you to all my readers who stayed with me on this journey and showered their love on my work. Stay safe, connect with nature and always be happy !

To Journey Within!

IC :google images

In life there comes a time, when there is a paradigm shift

the bucket is the same, only the list undergoes an overhaul.

From the materialistic, the focus shifts to the spiritual,

 mind delves deeper, to find the meaning of life.

The soul wants to embark on a journey

 to explore the realm of the cosmic plane.

Before the expected time of final destination arrives,

first on the list, is to awaken from the deep slumber of existing

 in a rigmarole of societal pressure,

free oneself from the clutches of unending desires.

The goal now, is to travel inward,

listen to the silence, indulge in reflective conversations,

evolve to be an enlightened version of the self,

 bask in the glory of the infinite light, to finally

 experience the blessing and affluence of divine wealth.

Sadje’s WDYS #120

Divine Catharsis

Here is a collaborative effort with a fellow blogger, Amber from DiosRaw. It was truly an amazing and enriching experience, working on this collaboration together. Hope you enjoy and feel our words, bringing out the ecstasy of divinity with nature.

ic: Mo Barton

Spanning horizons, arched across skies in a spectrum of hues lit up by sun beams, magical ephemeral chalked translucent blue skies, a covenant of love after floods.

The iridescent colors greet the prismatic beauty of dawn with a sublime embrace, the halcyon zephyr sprinkles glossy dew drops of verdure reflection.

The cosmic intelligence chiselled a raindrop murmuring melodic drips with a stem cradling a satin leaf, clasping gems to reveal something of itself betwixt an atmosphere of solace.

Whispering arcane secrets of the night, the pearly crystal beads pirouette, kissing the tender buds, gently cascade into the bosom of infinity.

Raging, crashing torrents by the technicolour sphere, bubbling, foaming, gushing down into the ravine, spurting upwards, spraying aqua flickered into air; turning to tears melting and trickling down soaked cheeks of drowning waterfalls.

In solitude, amidst the confluence of the boundless benevolence of the realms of eternity, the sacred sacrament of nature, the embryonic soul experiences a divine catharsis.

Reflective Space!

lighted incense

The second wave of the pandemic has gripped many parts of the world.  With a steep spike in daily cases, an untold anxiety and fear cripples the mind. A home today has a wider purview to be more inclusive. With members of the family confined indoors, working from home, online classes, everything under the same roof, there is bound to be some amount of mayhem…. a clash of schedules and tempers. Bedrooms and living rooms converted into office/school, the table is strewn with many gadgets, paper and all kinds of accessories. The video call at odd times, demands the voice decibels to remain low. Imagine one’s own room has restricted entry today.  A great deal of tenacity is required to cope up with the deluge of mental stress hitting us from all directions.

We all have, to some extent found our own mechanisms to handle the uncertainties surrounding us today. My sacred space is a small alcove in my home, where I have silent conversations with myself, indulge in some self-love, heal my pain and calm my mind. Believe me, this quiet time with myself in my cozy corner, is helping me a great deal to maintain my sanity, in an otherwise cacophonic home today.

Empower the mind to deal with turbulent emotions

created by the ripples of life.

Diffuse the torrent, channelize a path,

indulge in holistic living.

Spend solitary moments in mindful silence,

ruminate on the breath.

 Let the receptive ears soak in the serenading

 harmony of nature.

Allow the incessant tears flow from the closed eyes,

cleansing the impurities from the system.

With focussed reflection,

the confluence of the body and mind

transcends beyond the realm of universe.

Feel the abundance of divine energy manifest within,

cradling the self with a healing light.

As a benign balm of spiritual ecstasy fills it,

a sense of empyreal peace pervades.

Finally the,

mind is empowered to deal with the turbulent emotions!

Reena’s exploration challenge #181 : Sacred space

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Reflections

In Gratitude!

Ic: Jasmin Chew @ unsplash

I surrender my pain to the soul of the universe

to look beyond the illusion of emptiness, that besieges my heart.

My teary emotions dry under the illumination

of the starry moon dust.

My closed eyes watch a display of snippets of life

unfold a scenic panorama.

I anchor on to light of trust

as the dark shadows of hurt begin to recede.

I harvest a refulgent slice of peace

from the abundance of the cosmic energy,

in gratitude .

Sadje’s WDYS #75

V. J’s weekly challenge : snippets

I Dig Within…

Face, Soul, Head, Smoke, Light, Sad, Thoughts

All through my life, I sought solace in external validation

thriving on acknowledgement and appreciation

but, the excitement of happiness was fleeting,

before I succumbed to the feeling of nihility.

A gradual awareness elicits a perspective shift

I decide to dig within, peel out the layers to my core,

aghast, at musty cobwebbed sight I see.

The burden of emotional baggage I carry

shuts out light from seeping in.

I shed silent tears in that dark space,

as I ruminate on my purpose in life.

Finally I pick up the broom to clean

 stubborn stains of toxic grudges I hold,

discard the overwhelming burden of hurt.

As I open the windows of my heart,

  rays of sunshine permeate my soul

emanating a radiant glow within,

the happiness I feel now, is boundless!

I am still on this path to complete the deep cleansing of my soul, often failing and shutting the window. But, eventually, I do hope to let that sunshine into my core and envelop me in abundance of inner peace and happiness.

V.J’s weekly challenge : Dig

Enlightening Beauties!

I sit by the lake for hours watching

nature’s exquisite craftsmanship

that rise from the murky waters

yet, are a flawless blossom.

The myriad petals unfurl

 in synchronized poise,

with nimble balletic grace.

The floating beauties cast a spell,

intoxicating me in sensory rapture,

infusing a serene aura around.

It triggers a contemplative thought

as an enlightening moment dawns.

Despite the flawed exteriors

real beauty emanates from within.

I do away with the urge to focus on the external,

 indulge in cleansing my soul,

feeding it with bountiful fill of zen .

Sadje’s WDYS # 68

V. J’s weekly challenge : Urge

Magical Mountains!

In response to Linda’s Socs prompt:

Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “start with ‘m’.” Use any word that begins with the letter “m” as the subject or theme for your post.

I have tried to write a poem with all words with m!

Misty mountainside

majestic magnificence mesmerises

mistral mellifluous melody

mellow moon magic

mystic moorings

memorable meaningful moments

meditative mind
