Haibun – The Law of Karma!

BrewNSpew Cafe

Buddhism, Worship, Monk, Ancient, Buddha, Asia, Bangkok

City life today embroils man in an urban mess. His mind clamors against the stress, adding to the din. He buckles under the overwhelming burden of his pregnant thoughts. Fatigue overpowers his listless body. As the energy saps to rock bottom, he decides to take a travel break.

Wandering far, the mystic mountains beckon him. He follows his inner navigational guide to a serene nook in the lap of nature. Meditating there, opens new vistas of the spiritual realm to him. The mist of veil surrounding his clogged mind clears, infusing it with bright sunshine. The inner awakening ignites the psychic inter dimensional vibrations in him. He surrenders to the cosmic call, spends his life in spiritual nirvana.

Basking in the lap of material success,

the hollowness of life haunts him.

Delving inward, a reflective mood envelopes

the law of karma, plays its role

the fragile mind is empowered by divine grace

the soul revels in a sublime yet glorious trance!

Haibun is a Japanese genre of combining prose with poetry. The key to the art of haibun is the graceful pairing of poem and prose, where the poem links to the prose yet shifts away from it.



I float in the sapphire sky

listening to the clam whispers

the gentle zephyr brings in.

The cosmic vibrations echoes

rhythmic chants that

rejuvenate and illuminate

my soul with spiritual bliss

invisible to the outer world,

filling me with inner peace!


In response to the daily prompt: Invisible


Cosmic Ecstasy!

In response to Whimsygizmo of Dverse poets prompt # 50 to write a Quadrille poem on the given word Murmur! The challenge is to pen a poem in exactly 44 words not including the title.

ic: google.com

The brilliant turquoise blue expanse

shimmers through the jagged serrated peaks

icy winds hum a heavenly harmony

puffy clouds murmur , wafting daintily

a conversation in solitude, infuses a calm aura

the soul connects with the cosmic energy

drinking in the sweet essence of nirvana.

Tanka: Plenty & Meander

ic: pixabay.com

 Infinite thoughts drift

across the reflective mind

embrace mindfulness

spiritual aura diffused

wealth of tranquil inner peace.

In response to Colleen’s weekly poetry challenge – Plenty & Meander, with the condition to use their synonyms only!

Sidlak # 6 – Clouds



Cast a glance

at the mystic sky,

serene clouds meditating

across the expansive horizon

illuminating a pristine white aura!

Know Sidlak:

Sidlak poetry (sid/lak) is a structured poetry consisting of 5 lines with 3-5-7-9 syllables AND A COLOR. The last line must be a COLOR that describes the whole poem or the feelings of the writer.