Reflective Space!

lighted incense

The second wave of the pandemic has gripped many parts of the world.  With a steep spike in daily cases, an untold anxiety and fear cripples the mind. A home today has a wider purview to be more inclusive. With members of the family confined indoors, working from home, online classes, everything under the same roof, there is bound to be some amount of mayhem…. a clash of schedules and tempers. Bedrooms and living rooms converted into office/school, the table is strewn with many gadgets, paper and all kinds of accessories. The video call at odd times, demands the voice decibels to remain low. Imagine one’s own room has restricted entry today.  A great deal of tenacity is required to cope up with the deluge of mental stress hitting us from all directions.

We all have, to some extent found our own mechanisms to handle the uncertainties surrounding us today. My sacred space is a small alcove in my home, where I have silent conversations with myself, indulge in some self-love, heal my pain and calm my mind. Believe me, this quiet time with myself in my cozy corner, is helping me a great deal to maintain my sanity, in an otherwise cacophonic home today.

Empower the mind to deal with turbulent emotions

created by the ripples of life.

Diffuse the torrent, channelize a path,

indulge in holistic living.

Spend solitary moments in mindful silence,

ruminate on the breath.

 Let the receptive ears soak in the serenading

 harmony of nature.

Allow the incessant tears flow from the closed eyes,

cleansing the impurities from the system.

With focussed reflection,

the confluence of the body and mind

transcends beyond the realm of universe.

Feel the abundance of divine energy manifest within,

cradling the self with a healing light.

As a benign balm of spiritual ecstasy fills it,

a sense of empyreal peace pervades.

Finally the,

mind is empowered to deal with the turbulent emotions!

Reena’s exploration challenge #181 : Sacred space

Eugi’s weekly prompt : Reflections