To Journey Within!

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In life there comes a time, when there is a paradigm shift

the bucket is the same, only the list undergoes an overhaul.

From the materialistic, the focus shifts to the spiritual,

 mind delves deeper, to find the meaning of life.

The soul wants to embark on a journey

 to explore the realm of the cosmic plane.

Before the expected time of final destination arrives,

first on the list, is to awaken from the deep slumber of existing

 in a rigmarole of societal pressure,

free oneself from the clutches of unending desires.

The goal now, is to travel inward,

listen to the silence, indulge in reflective conversations,

evolve to be an enlightened version of the self,

 bask in the glory of the infinite light, to finally

 experience the blessing and affluence of divine wealth.

Sadje’s WDYS #120

Sunshine Friends!

Their guffaw resonates across the neighborhood,

there is never a dull moment with them.

They eclipse shadows of gloom beneath their laughter,

leaving behind a trail of cheerful confetti.

Lacing up conversations with a sparkle of humor,

they are true bearers of the happiness contagion.

Some friends carry sunshine in their hearts,

lighting up the ambience, with their spirited mirth.

Oh! But such friends come in limited editions,

you are truly blessed, if you have one!

Sadje’s WDYS #119

Exercise with love…


Breathe consciously.

Stretch yourself to accomplish a challenge.

Walk the talk. Connect with family and friends more often.

Step away from people who spread negativity.

Bend to reach out to the lesser privileged.

Jump up at opportunities life throws your way.

Jog down the wistful nostalgic road.

Sprint far from temptations.

Train to face adversity with fortitude.

Run along with a smile.

Hop to keep the child in you alive.

Amble amidst nature to rejuvenate.

Pause to say a prayer of gratitude!

Gift of wishes!


As the years roll by

you traverse  the path of life

watching the seasons go by,

basking in the warm sunshine

enjoying the raindrops.

May life greet you with smiles,

open the doors to unlimited happiness

wipe away the gloom and haze.


Mark your calendar with your dreams

let its fluttering pages scatter your wishes,

allow the wafting wind to carry them

high up to the celestial abode

to be gift wrapped with a secure twine

graced by the divine benevolence,

to shower on you the choicest blessings!