Magic of Books!

Image credit; Ben White @ Unsplash


Pages of a book flutter, in the tiny hands,

letting him peek into a world beyond imagination.

Piquing the tender mind’s curiosity,

books present a palatable platter for every age.

The kaleidoscopic web of enticing genre,

 churn a potent alchemy of awe and learning,

captivating the reader, conjuring a riveting spell.

Their magical potion works like a charm,

kindling a happy lifelong friendship with books!

Sadje’s WDYS #139

Sunshine Friends!

Their guffaw resonates across the neighborhood,

there is never a dull moment with them.

They eclipse shadows of gloom beneath their laughter,

leaving behind a trail of cheerful confetti.

Lacing up conversations with a sparkle of humor,

they are true bearers of the happiness contagion.

Some friends carry sunshine in their hearts,

lighting up the ambience, with their spirited mirth.

Oh! But such friends come in limited editions,

you are truly blessed, if you have one!

Sadje’s WDYS #119

An Unusual Bond!

Image credit; Sasint @ Pixabay

He connected her, to her children living in faraway lands

She showed him a life without connecting to the gadgets.

He taught her fun games to play online,

She introduced him to actual games they played as kids.

He ordered delicacies from fancy restaurant for her,

She cooked delicious home goodies for him.

He took her on a virtual tour of exotic places

She walked him to the hidden treasures of the village.

He played her favorite songs on his laptop

She sang soothing lullabies to him.

He brought the world at her doorstep with technology

She told him about her world without it.

Thus, an unusual friendship developed between

the young lad with busy parents at work

and an old woman with children far away at work!

Sadje’s WDYS #110

Day 16 – Friendship!


Friendship is all about camaraderie, love and soul connect. It is a strong bond of mutual respect, affection and belonging between two or more people. You may meet your friends every day or occasionally but always keep in touch with them.

True friends enjoy a deep trust among themselves and are happy to be accepted for who they are without being judged. A good friend provides much needed emotional support during trying times. Having good friends is a gift to cherish in life.

Rooted together

warm sunshine nurtures their connect

fosters a strong bond

Do share your stories of friendship!