
My wrinkles hold many memories tucked between their folds,

to be buried with me.

Today, I look into the mirror,

 proud of each scar I carry, each joy I experienced.

As the moonlight casts its lambent glow,

I smile, celebrating my journey of life.

44 words

dVerse qaurdrille #155 : celebrate

Are you in the Present?

white how now are you? neon light
Randy Tarampi@unsplash

The mind travels without an agenda

awakening the memories of the past, from its slumber,

hijacking our today,

 into the unknown fears of the future.

 Oscillating between the two ends of the spectrum

our “now” sacrificed at the altar of this tussle.

The key is just a simple choice we make

from the millions of moments that weave our life

lease not, your present, to yesterdays and tomorrows

for they are tenants who only add heartaches and anxieties.

In this transient world, all that matters is “Now”,

for the living in the present is the best gift to self!

Dodoggocafe’s poetry prompt : Key, travel, choices

The Past, Present & Future!


Recently I was watching a rerun of the Bollywood film “Dear Zindagi” on television. A beautiful movie where the protagonist is overwhelmed by an incident of her childhood, which reflects on her present life relationships.  Her personal life seems to be in doldrums. A chance meeting with a Psychologist, helps her resolve her problems giving her the confidence to view life with a beautiful perspective. Definitely, a movie many can relate to, worth a watch!

There is one line in the movie which the therapist uses during one of the sessions. “Don’t let the past blackmail your present to ruin a beautiful future”.  Such a profound statement, isn’t it?

Life can throw quite a few unpleasant challenges at us. Many, we shrug off, some teach us a lesson, while a few hurt us, blemishing our personality to a great extent. At times, we reel under its burden, unable to shrug it off. This manifestation definitely needs to be addressed and set right, else, it could eclipse our future too!


The indelible scar of the past

meanders in the mind’s crevices

whispers secret messages

forays uninvited into dreams

entraps the present

sings haunting lines in hushed tones,

emerges from obscurity

to cast a gloomy shadow

on the future.

Untangle the web of antiquity

steer life on course


the hollow memories of yore

pushes the soul into

an abyss of no return!




Twin haikus!

In response to Ronovanwrites weekly haiku challenge #213 to use the prompt words TIME & MOVEMENT


Enchanted lovers

synergy of passion flows,

locked hearts, time stands still!



past acts impulsive

present lost in oblivion

worrisome future!






The present fades through the eons

reopening the doors , thoughts drift in

embraced by reminiscent recollections

images linger before the eyes

echoes with the laughter of happy times

a fragrance of sublime warmth

impregnates the air

along with some

remnants of the dark days too

under the musty cobwebs of time

the mind meanders back into the alleys

clings on to those experiences

be it coated with a tinge of bitterness

or laced with wistful moments,

for everything that passes

leaves behind memories

unique and special to each one

intricately woven into timeless treasures!!



Haibun – Gift of Now!


I sit with my cup of morning tea, contemplating life that passes by with each tick of the clock.  At times a feeling of guilt creeps into me for not having spent it wisely. As I brood over it, the calendar flutters in the breeze.  Those flying pages appear to be mocking at me as if holding some secret about my future. Trepidation grips me, over what lies ahead in life.  The sweet chirping of the birds shake me out of my stupor. I realise that clinging on to the past or being anxious about the future has stopped me from enjoying my today. Smiling, I finish my tea, revelling in the sweet twitter of the neighbourhood birds!

Ink stains from the past

blur the picture of  future

present holds the  key!


In response to Colleens weekly poetry challenge # 35 – Past & Future


This is my first attempt at writing a Haibun!


Haibun is a prosimetric literary form originating in Japan, combining prose and haiku. The range of haibun is broad and frequently includes autobiography, diary, essay, prose poem, short story and travel journal.


Alphabet Y – Yesterday

A to Z challenge


Theme – ** Kaleidoscope of thoughts**


Wake up to the promise of dawn

a new day, a fresh start

yesterday is past

live not in its shadow

let go, of all bitter incidents

learn from the mistakes,

let it not control your today

bid farewell to it.

String up the beautiful moments

that yesterday presented to you

for it will define how you treat today.

Invest in today to make it better.

Only then, tomorrow you will have

a beautiful yesterday !