Daily Prompt – Surreal


I left my friends in their slumber world and trekked along the path. I hadn’t driven miles into nature to miss the beautiful sunrise. I was happy I took that decision, for the sight that welcomed me was surreal. The twilight was fading away to make way for the golden rays of the sun seeping in through the misty landscape. The crimson rays enveloped and caressed the entire panorama with all its love and warmth. The bird’s chirp added a melody to the graceful sway of the dew drops on the leaves. My heart fluttered to the silky touch of the petals dancing in gay abandon in the morning breeze. I watched the meandering butterflies whispering secret messages to the flowers. I sat there in a trance, mesmerised by the magic of the mystical morning. A sense of euphoria engulfed me as I marvelled at the handiwork of nature!