In Hope…

Entrenched in a veil of misunderstanding,

our relationship treads on a path of frailty.

Tremors of raucous feelings erupt

whorls of pain rives my soul.

I hold on to the scraps of buried memories

imprisoning the unsaid words, within the fortress of my heart.

I tether firmly to the cord holding us together,

 hoping one day,

 the clamor of the incredulous mind clears.

Petals of integrity unfurls its magic

to rekindle the lost affinity, with a blossom of love!

Reena’s xploration challenge #192

Eugi’s weekly prompt : petals

Etching Our Destiny!

Image credit; Andrew Morris @ Unsplash

The ruby sun readies to dip

into the shimmering waters,

Horizon curls into a speckled band

as twilight kisses it,

The panoramic seascape changes color as

the saline breeze whispers softly

Gentle darkness descends to the rhythm of

the receding tide

The glowing luna enters the timeless expanse

of star studded sky.

We walk hand in hand watching the ebbing

waves wane our footprints,

The tangerine glow of the fairy lights

sets a perfect ambiance

As we etch our dreamy destiny of togetherness

in the fragile sands of time.

Sadje’s WDYS #77


In response to V. J’s weekly challenge Threes. “Sum up a story in 3 words or three lines of three words”

I have written a pair of threes, highlighting how spoken words in a relationship can make or mar them.

brown sand with water waves during daytime
engin akyrut@unsplash
  1. Caustic tongues lash

corrodes relationships’s scaffolding

crumbled emotional detritus.

2. Amiable patient dialogues

propensity to forgive

sinews of relationship.